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  • A: Hello, OSS solution. What do you need help today?
    B: Well, I have problem with my wireless LAN. When I want to connect to the network, I click the left button on the icon wi-fi in the tray, enter the password and hear sound like “squink” and see notification “connection lost”.
    B: How can I fix it?
    A: Oh, no problem. We had three options.
    A: First – check, is the password correct?
    B: How can I do this?
    A: First, move the point to the tray (the lower left part of the window), you see icon, wireless connection, press it and enter the password correctly, with compliance upper and lower case
    A: Second, check the password for upper and lower case.
    A: Second – check the router is internet cable plugged?
    A: Third – turn off your router for a full minute and then restart.
    A: If the problem will remain, call me back.
    B: Okay, bye.

  • Очень много ошибок, практически в каждой строчке.
    Надо все переделывать ПОСТРОЧНО.

  • A: Hello, OSS solution. What do you need help today? ---- A: Hello! OSS solution. How can I help you?
    B: Well, I have problem with my wireless LAN. When I want to connect to the network, I click the left button on the icon wi-fi in the tray, enter the password and hear sound like “squink” and see notification “connection lost”. ---- B: Well, I have a problem with my wireless LAN. To connect to the network, I click the left button on the Wi-Fi icon in the tray and enter the password. Then I hear a sound like “squeeze” and see a notification “connection lost”.
    B: How can I fix it?
    A: Oh, no problem. We had three options. --- A: Oh, no problem. There are three options.
    A: First – check, is the password correct? --- A: First one is checking if the password correct.
    B: How can I do this?
    A: First, move the point to the tray (the lower left part of the window), you see icon, wireless connection, press it and enter the password correctly, with compliance upper and lower case ---- A: Move the point to the tray (the low left part of the screen), you will see an icon of the wireless connection. Click it and enter the correct password with upper and lower case. Also check the password for upper and lower case.
    A: Second – check the router is internet cable plugged? ---- A: Second option is to make sure that the internet router is plugged.
    A: Third – turn off your router for a full minute and then restart. --- A: Third, turn the router off for a few minutes and then start it again.
    A: If the problem will remain, call me back. ---- A: If the problem remains, call us back.
    B: Okay, bye.