Идиомы на тему Birds

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  • dead duck
    конченный (человек ) или вышедшая из употребления вещь
    My television set is very old; it is in a hopeless situation, in fact it's a dead duck.
  • duck soup
    лёгкий, не требующий усилий
    Our final exam in History was duck soup.
  • eagle eye
    пристально следящий взгляд, зоркий глаз (как у орла)
    Alan kept an eagle eye upon all Carry's activities.
  • early bird
    ранняя пташка (о человеке, привыкшем рано вставать или рано начинать что-либо)
    "I hate getting up early; I am not an early bird, I must confess."
  • early bird catches the worm
    кто рано встаёт, тому бог подаёт (Пословица)
    Getting up early proved to her the truth of the old saying that the early bird catches the worm; she was able to do a lot of work.
  • eat crow
    проглотить обиду, смириться
    "I guess I'll have to eat crow if I am defeated."
  • eat like a bird
    очень мало есть, "есть как птичка"
    The child probably eats like a bird; she is so thin.
  • feather one's nest
    разбогатеть, поживиться за чей-либо счёт, "нагреть руки"
    Paul, her only brother, was eager to feather his own nest at the expense of his sister and her family.
  • fly the coop
    удрать, убежать
    The criminal was able to fly the coop because the guard hadn't been watching him properly.
  • for the birds
    это не серьёзно, это не для меня
    Doing a lot of work in the office is for the birds.
  • foul one's own nest
    выносить сор из избы", разглашать семейные тайны, стараться очернить близких
    "Don't foul up your own nest; remember your own kin helped you out!"
  • get one's ducks in a row
    привести свои дела в порядок
    I got my ducks in a row before I quit my job.
  • go to bed with the chickens
    рано ложиться спать
    When I stayed with my grandparents, I had to go to bed with the chickens.
  • gone goose
    пропавший, исчезнувший, убежавший (человек)
    Nick is a gone goose. He won't come to the office again today.
  • goose bumps
    мурашки по коже
    The water in the lake was very cold, and I immediately got goose bumps when I started to swim.
  • in fine feather
    в хорошем расположении духа
    My cousin is in fine feather today as if he had won a million dollars in a state lottery.
  • kill the goose that lays the golden egg
    уничтожить источник собственного благополучия; "убить курицу, несущую золотые яйца"
    "Why have you quarreled with Wendy? Do you know that you have killed the goose that lays the golden egg?"
  • kill two birds with one stone
    убить двух зайцев", выполнить два действия сразу
    He decided to kill two birds with one stone by purchasing a computer and having it serviced.
  • lay an egg
    провалиться, не заинтересовать (зрителей), не иметь успеха
    The film was awfully poor, and no wonder it laid an egg with the audience.
  • like water off a duck's back
    всё ни почём, "как с гуся вода"
    It is absolutely useless criticizing Jenny; the criticism falls away like water off a duck's back.
  • little bird told me
    мне стало известно по секрету, "сорока на хвосте принесла"
    A little bird told me that my Mom would give me a nice present for my birthday.
  • look like the cat that swallowed the canary
    выглядеть очень довольным
    Jeremy looked like the cat that swallowed the canary when he told me about his success.
  • lovely weather for ducks
    дождливая погода
    "Lovely weather for ducks," I thought, walking to my car in the rain.
  • neither fish nor fowl
    ни то, ни сё; "ни рыба, ни мясо" (о нерешительном человеке)
    Mike is neither fish nor fowl, and he doesn't really fit into any of the student group.
  • night owl
    сова (человек, привыкший ложиться спать поздно)
    I am a night owl and my husband is an early bird.
  • no spring chicken
    (человек) не первой молодости
    "If I were you, I wouldn't work so much. Don't forget you are no spring chicken."
  • one's goose is cooked
    погубить себя, пострадать от собственных козней, вырыть себе яму
    My brother's goose is cooked. Soon my father will discover that Paul has damaged his car.
  • pecking order
    неофициальная иерархия, сложившийся порядок подчинения
    Poor Jim! He is at the bottom of pecking order and is dominated by everybody.
  • play chicken
    играть в опасные игры (посмотреть, кто первым испугается)
    A few boys were playing chicken on the playground.
  • rare bird
    необычный, неординарный (человек)
    I think Bob is a rare bird; his ideas are always unusual.
  • ruffle (someone's) feathers
    расстраивать или раздражать кого-либо
    "I do not want to ruffle your feathers, but there are policemen who have come to see you."
  • ruffle its feathers
    взъерошить перья
    A cat was looking at the bird which was sitting on a branch and ruffling its feathers.
  • rule the roost
    распоряжаться, задавать тон, хозяйничать
    There's no doubt who rules the roost in this house.
  • run around like a chicken with its head cut off
    бегать как сумасшедший, метаться
    Joe spent the day running around like a chicken with its head cut off when he discovered that he had lost important documents.
  • spread one's wings
    стать независимым, расправить крылья
    Sam decided to become independent; he wants to spread his wings and try to do something on his own.