Идиомы на тему Eyes and Ears

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  • as plain as the nose on one's face
    совершенно очевидно
    The cause of the accident was clearly evident; it was as plain as the nose on my face.
  • blow one's nose
    Jack took out a big handkerchief from his pocket and loudly blew his nose.
  • can't see beyond the end of one's nose
    не видеть дальше своего носа
    Gina had no idea about what was happening around her; she could not see beyond the end of her nose.
  • cut off one's nose to spite one's face
    причинить вред себе, желая досадить другому
    If David refused to make any advantageous deals, he would be cutting off his nose to spite his face.
  • follow one's nose
    идти прямо вперёд, следуя интуиции
    Jim followed his nose until he found the movie theatre.
  • get one's nose out of (something)
    не ввязываться во что-либо
    Celia wished her cousin would get her nose out of her private affairs.
  • hard-nosed
    упрямый, непримиримый
    I told my husband to take a hard-nosed position while selling our house.
  • have a nose for (something)
    иметь нюх на что-либо
    Peter had a nose for finding cheap computer disks.
  • have one's nose in (something)
    совать нос во что-либо
    "Look here, Ann! I hate to have your nose in my business. Please, abate your curiosity."
  • have one's nose in the air
    важничать, "задирать нос"
    I don't think much of Gina; she is very conceited and has her nose in the air.
  • have one's nose to the grindstone
    усердно работать, быть занятым чем-либо
    Jack has his nose to the grindstone; he is working hard at his thesis.
  • hold one's nose
    неохотно соглашаться
    My boss asked me to stay after office hours and I had to hold my nose though I had other fish to fry that evening.
  • keep one's nose clean
    не нарываться на неприятности
    Jacob was never able to keep his nose clean, and eventually he got into trouble.
  • keep one's nose out of (something)
    не лезть не в своё дело
    "Please, mind your own business and keep your nose out of mine."
  • keep one's nose to the grindstone
    трудиться без отдыха, без передышки
    I am going to keep my nose to the grindstone so that I can save enough money to go on a holiday to Italy.
  • lead (someone) around by the nose
    заставлять кого-либо делать то, что хочешь
    "Don't lead me around by the nose. I am not going to do what you want."
  • look down one's nose at (someone)
    смотреть свысока, "воротить нос" от кого-либо
    Tamara is very arrogant; she always looks down her nose at everybody.
  • nose (someone) out
    выталкивать кого-либо
    The older boys nosed the younger ones out of the bus.
  • not see farther than or past the end of one's nose
    не видеть дальше своего носа
    Lorna can't see past the end of her nose; she doesn't care what is happening to other people.
  • on the nose
    точно в назначенное время или место
    We agreed to meet outside the movie theater at six and I arrived on the nose.
  • pay through the nose for (something)
    платить бешеные деньги за что-либо
    Ken made his family pay through the nose for keeping him out of bankruptcy.
  • poke one's nose into (something)
    вмешиваться во что-либо, "совать нос"
    I'd rather you didn't poke your nose into my private affairs.
  • powder one's nose
    попудрить носик
    Rita told her boyfriend that she would like to go to the dressing room to powder her nose.
  • put (someone's) nose out of joint
    обидеть кого-либо
    I didn't mean to put my friend's nose out of joint when I criticized his work.
  • rub (someone's) nose in (something)
    постоянно напоминать кому-либо об ошибках, промашках
    To err is human, and I don't understand why my boss rubs my nose in it if I make a mistake.
  • stick one's nose into (something)
    совать свой нос куда-либо, вмешиваться в чужие дела
    I wish that my roommate would stop sticking her nose into my private affairs.
  • thumb one's nose at (someone or something)
    смотреть с неодобрением на кого-либо \ что-либо, воротить нос
    Sofia thumbed her nose at her mother's request to stay home on Saturday.
  • turn one's nose up at (someone or something)
    отвергать кого-либо \ что-либо
    The young man turned his nose up at the chance to go to an agricultural college.
  • under (someone's) nose
    (находиться) у кого-либо под носом
    I looked high and low for my car keys, but they were right under my nose all the time.
  • win by a nose
    незначительно опередить
    Jeremy was about to get the job, but Lionel won him by a nose.