Идиомы на букву F

  • favorite son
    политический деятель, пользующийся известностью лишь в пределах своего штата
    Bill Kraft is a favorite son of our state that's why we voted for him.
  • FBI
    Federal Bureau of Investigation - ФБР (Федеральное бюро расследования)
    The FBI mostly deals with serious cases like kidnapping for example.
  • feast one's eyes on (someone or something)
    любоваться кем-либо \ чем-либо, наслаждаться зрелищем
    Sitting on a bench in the park, he feasted his eyes on the fresh green leaves.
  • feather in one's cap
    то, чем можно гордиться; предмет гордости, достижение
    He thinks it will be a feather in his cap to cure a difficult cardiac case.
  • feather one's nest
    разбогатеть, поживиться за чей-либо счёт, "нагреть руки"
    Paul, her only brother, was eager to feather his own nest at the expense of his sister and her family.
  • fed up with (someone or something)
    надоесть, опротиветь
    "I am fed up with your laziness and carelessness."
  • fee simple
    полновластное владение недвижимостью; поместье, наследуемое без ограничений
    The estate was held fee simple, that is, with the right to pass it to any heir.
  • feed (someone) a line
    обманывать, "вешать лапшу на уши"
    "Stop feeding me a line; I don't believe a word you are saying."
  • feed one's face
    есть, обедать
    They decided to stop at a small cafe to feed their faces.
  • feed the kitty
    жертвовать (деньги)
    We are going to feed the kitty to collect money for the new workshop.
  • feel (something) in one's bones
    интуитивно чувствовать что-либо
    Jacob felt it in his bones that he was not going to get the job that he wanted.
  • feel at home
    чувствовать себя как дома
    "Come on in. Sit down and feel at home."
  • feel blue
    грустить, печалиться
    When Mary goes away, Tarry feels blue. He's lonely and sad.
    Когда Мэри уходит, Терри грустит. Ему одиноко и печально.
  • feel dragged out
    чувствовать себя очень уставшим, измотанным
    After hard work in the garden I always feel dragged out.
  • feel fit
    чувствовать себя бодрым и здоровым
    I didn't feel fit so I declined their invitation to go to a disco.
  • feel free to do (something)
    получить разрешение делать что-либо
    Here is my album; feel free to take any photos you like.
  • feel it beneath oneself to do (something)
    чувствовать ниже своего достоинства делать что-либо
    Ben is not a decent guy, and I feel it beneath myself to talk with him.
  • feel like a million dollars
    прекрасно себя чувствовать
    Eliza was happy; she felt like a million dollars.
  • feel like a new person
    чувствовать себя отдохнувшим и обновлённым
    After a few hours of sleep I felt like a new person.
  • feel like doing (something)
    быть склонным, быть расположенным делать что-либо
    "I do not feel like discussing my problems with you."
  • feel like going (somewhere)
    быть не прочь, хотеть пойти куда-либо
    "Do you feel like going anywhere tonight?"
  • feel like having (something)
    быть в настроении, хотеть иметь что-либо
    I did not feel like having coffee so I had two cups of tea.
  • feel on top of the world
    прекрасно себя чувствовать
    I felt on top of the world when I passed my driving test.
  • feel out (someone)
    осторожно выведать, выяснить, что человек думает
    I want you to feel out Mr. Fowler and find out what he thinks about selling his piece of land.
  • feel out of place
    чувствовать себя не на месте
    Jeremy didn't know any of the guests and he felt out of place.
  • feel put upon
    чувствовать себя обиженным; чувствовать себя неуютно
    Mary couldn't help feeling put upon when her husband's friends visited.
  • feel sorry for (someone)
    жалеть кого-либо
    Tim felt sorry for his friend who had recently divorced his wife.
  • feel the pinch
    быть в стеснённом положении из-за нехватки денег
    Marion was beginning to feel the pinch since her father's death.
  • feel up to (do something)
    чувствовать себя достаточно здоровым и отдохнувшим, чтобы делать что-либо
    Hillary didn't feel up to attending the health club that day.
  • feet of clay
    скрытый недостаток или слабость
    Paul Copperfield has feet of clay and may not last very long in his new position of a manager.
  • fence (someone) in
    оградить кого-либо, ограничить свободу
    I don't like this house; it's too small and I always feel fenced in it.
  • ferret (information or something) out of (someone)
    выведать что-либо у кого-либо
    Tina used Willy to ferret the boys' secret hiding place in the woods out of him.
  • few and far between
    отделённые большим промежутком времени или пространства
    The distance was vast; small houses were few and far between.
  • fiddle around
    возиться, неумело чинить
    Sue tried fiddling around with the washing machine but it still would not work.
  • fiddle while Rome burns
    ничего не предпринимать во время катастрофы
    The situation in the firm became deplorable, but they seemed to be fiddling while Rome burned.