Идиомы на тему Head and Mind

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  • over one's head
    не в состоянии понять
    All this is over my head; I am not able to understand what they want.
  • pass through (someone's) mind
    промелькнуть в уме
    It passed through his mind that he had met that woman before, but he didn't remember her name.
  • pay (someone or something) no mind
    игнорировать, не обращать внимания на кого-либо \ что-либо
    There was a clutter of chairs in the auditorium, but he paid the noise no mind.
  • per head
    на одного человека, на одну персону
    The bus fare cost only a small amount of money per head.
  • pick the brains of (someone)
    использовать, присваивать чужие мысли
    John West had the ability of picking the brains of other people.
  • pit one's wits against (someone)
    бросать вызов кому-либо
    Collin decided to pit his wits against the best scholars of the university.
  • pull one's hair out
    быть расстроенным, обеспокоенным
    Don't pull your hair out even if you discover that you are not a genius.
  • put (someone or something) out of one's head/mind
    выбросить кого-либо \ что-либо из головы, перестать думать
    "I want you to put this silly idea out of your head; you have no notion what can happen."
  • put hair on one's chest
    быть полезным для кого-либо (о пище или напитках)
    I had a sore throat and Mother said that hot milk with honey would put hair on my chest.
  • put ideas into (someone's) head
    наводить кого-либо на мысль (о чем-либо плохом), подсказывать
    "You are being most irrational. Who is putting silly ideas into your head?"
  • put on a brave face
    казаться счастливым (хотя ситуация неблагоприятная), не выдавать своих чувств
    Susan was awfully afraid of the operation, but she tried to put on a brave face.
  • put one's face on
    краситься, накладывать макияж
    I was waiting for Nora while she was putting her face on.
  • put one's head in a noose
    вредить самому себе действием или словом, лезть в петлю
    Alice put her head in a noose when she borrowed a lot of money from Fanny.
  • put one's head in the lion's mouth
    оказаться в опасности из-за собственной неосмотрительности
    David put his head in the lion's mouth when he got involved in the car fraud.
  • put one's head on the block for (someone or something)
    рисковать (головой) ради кого-либо \ чего-либо
    "Mind you, I am not going to put my head on the block for you."
  • put one's heads together
    обговорить, обсудить что-либо вместе
    "Let's put our heads together and discuss our problems."
  • put one's mind to (something)
    уделить много внимания чему-либо
    "I am sure you can do nearly anything if you put your mind to it."
  • rack one's brain
    ломать себе голову над чем-либо
    Peter was racking his brains, trying to remember where he had put his car keys.
  • raise a hand against (someone or something)
    поднять руку на кого-либо \ что-либо
    Jordan raised a hand against his wife's precious possessions, and she decided to punish him.
  • raise its (ugly) head
    снова возникнуть, поднять голову (о какой-либо проблеме)
    The problem of cockroaches in our apartment raised its ugly head again.
  • raise one's voice to (someone)
    накричать на кого-либо
    My mother always raises her voice to anyone when she is angry.
  • read (someone's) mind
    читать чьи-либо мысли
    I tried to read my father's mind, but I couldn't make out what he was thinking about my new job.
  • rear its ugly head
    (что-либо неприятное) вновь становиться очевидным
    The problem of cockroaches has reared its ugly head in my apartment again.
  • save face
    сохранить свою репутацию, достоинство в неблагоприятной ситуации
    We ought to act very cautiously and try to save face whatever happens.
  • say (something) right to (someone's) face
    сказать что-либо кому-либо прямо в лицо
    I didn't like my friend's behavior at the party, and I had a good mind to say it right to his face.
  • scratch one's head
    приводить в замешательство, озадачивать кого-либо
    I left Jenifer scratching her head after I told her the news of Harry's engagement.
  • scream one's head off
    пронзительно кричать
    When Mary saw a mouse, she screamed her head off.
  • should have one's head examined
    вести себя неразумно, как сумасшедший
    "You must be crazy to buy that outdated computer. You definitely should have your head examined."
  • show one's face
    появиться, показаться
    After cheating at the exam, Simon was ashamed to show his face.
  • shut one's face/trap
    замолчать, заткнуться
    Silvia's bragging got on my nerves, so I asked her to shut her trap.
  • sixth sense
    шестое чувство, интуиция
    My sixth sense prevented me from trusting the man.
  • slap in the face
    оскорбление, пощёчина, оплеуха
    Brett hadn't expected that Dina would refuse to go out with him; it was a slap in the face for him.
  • slip one's mind
    забыть, выпасть из памяти
    It completely slipped my mind that I had promised to call my friend the previous day.
  • slow-witted
    медленно соображающий, тупой
    "I don't think Kelly is slow-witted; she is just lazy."
  • something-minded
    сосредоточиваться на чём-либо, думать только об одном
    Jeremy Smith is money-minded; all he thinks about is money.