Идиомы на тему Leg and Foot

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  • put one's foot down (about something)
    запретить, положить конец, занять твёрдую позицию
    This has gone far enough; he is going to put his foot down about his son's gambling.
  • pull (someone's) leg
    подшучивать над кем-либо, дурачить кого-либо
    Nathan is fond of playing tricks on people and he is always pulling my leg when he sees me.
  • find one's feet
    привыкнуть к новой ситуации или опыту
    Tim Brown has finally found his feet in his new position.
  • wait on (someone) hand and foot
    делать всё возможное для кого-либо, служить верой и правдой
    Moira is a spoiled child because her parents wait on her hand and foot.
  • get cold feet
    струсить в последнюю минуту, спасовать
    "Did Collin help you to escape? - No, he got cold feet."
  • have two left feet
    быть плохим танцором (обе ноги левые)
    My friend has two left feet, and I don't like waltzing with him.
  • back on one's feet
    снова встать на ноги (вернуть себе прежнее положение)
    Ms. Drurry has undergone a serious operation and now she is back on her feet.
  • keep on one's toes
    быть бдительным, внимательным
    Mark tried to keep on his toes during a grammar test.
  • Break a leg!
    Желаю удачи! (используется перед выходом на сцену)
    "Break a leg!" one of the actors called to the lead actor.
  • get one's feet wet
    начать делать что-либо впервые
    Mark got his feet wet in the furniture business; he had never done it before.
  • get one's foot in the door
    проникнуть, устроиться
    Olaf got his foot in the door of the pharmaceutical industry and he hopes to be successful.
  • kick up one's heels
    веселиться, резвиться
    They kicked up their heels at Bob's birthday party last week.
  • put one's toe in the water
    начать что-либо делать и посмотреть, что из этого получиться
    Ron decided to put his toe in the water to see if the new job is good for him.
  • have cold feet
    стесняться или бояться делать что-либо
    Sam must have cold feet because he reluctantly meets new people.
  • My foot!
    Какая чепуха!
    "My foot!" I exclaimed when I learned what my boyfriend had said about me.
  • let the grass grow under one's feet
    бездельничать, лентяйничать
    Grandpa spends so much time idling that Grandma accuses him of letting the grass grow under his feet.
  • Achilles' heel (of someone or something)
    слабое место кого-либо \ чего-либо
    Jack is not able to insist on his arguments and that's his Achilles' heel.
  • put one's foot in one's mouth
    попасть впросак, "сесть в лужу"
    He was afraid lest he should put his foot in his mouth, so he decided to keep silent.
  • put one's best foot forward
    делать всё возможное, стараться быть на высоте
    It was the necessity to put her best foot forward that was really troubling her.
  • have legs
    иметь продолжение
    Gossip usually has legs. People will be talking about my failure for a long time.
  • land on one's feet/both feet
    с честью выйти из неблагоприятной ситуации
    My friend is capable of landing on both feet no matter how difficult the situation is.
  • have a leg to stand on
    иметь поддержку, оправдание, свидетельство чего-либо
    Robert did not have a leg to stand on in the explanation of his behavior.
  • have a foot in both camps
    поддерживать каждую из оппозиционных групп, "и нашим, и вашим"
    I suspect that the governor had a foot in both camps of opposing parties.
  • get off on the wrong foot
    плохо начать (в отношении с кем-либо, относительно чего-либо)
    Peggy got off on the wrong foot with her boss since her first day of work.
  • have a lead foot
    слишком быстро водить машину
    I am afraid to go in Adam's car because he has a lead foot.
  • have one foot in the grave
    быть при смерти, "быть одной ногой в могиле"
    The woman was very sick and had one foot in the grave.
  • follow in (someone's) footsteps
    следовать чьему-либо примеру, идти по чьим-либо стопам
    "I thought you had followed in your father's footsteps. He was an architect, wasn't he?"
  • six feet under
    быть мёртвым
    "Mandy couldn't have called you, silly; she is six feet under."
  • dead on one's feet
    быть очень усталым (целый день на ногах)
    Nora was dead on her feet after cleaning the house all day.
  • shake a leg
    идти быстро, "шевелить ногами"
    "Please shake a leg if you want to be in time for the lecture."
  • have a leg up on (someone)
    иметь преимущество перед кем-либо
    Rita knows two foreign languages and she has a leg up on the other applicants for the job.
  • vote with one's feet
    уйти, таким образом показать свою антипатию; "проголосовать ногами"
    The lecture was boring and some of the students voted with their feet.
  • dip one's toe in the water
    начать делать что-либо и посмотреть, что из этого получится
    Jim decided to do some volunteer work at the animal shelter to dip his toe in the water of working in the veterinarian field.
  • get to one's feet
    The students got to their feet at the end of the lecture.
  • have foot-in-mouth disease
    Sally is very shy; she blushes easily. I think that she has foot-in-mouth disease.