Идиомы на тему Mouth and Teeth

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  • armed to the teeth
    вооружен до зубов
    The police stopped a car. The man in the car was armed to the teeth.
  • as scarce as hen's teeth
    редко встречающийся или не существующий
    In summer cheap hotels everywhere are as scarce as hen's teeth.
  • by the skin of one's teeth
    чудом, едва-едва, еле-еле
    The team won the game by the skin of their teeth.
  • cut one's eyeteeth on (something)
    начать что-либо делать ещё в раннем детстве
    Selma cut her eyeteeth on acting and now she is a great actress.
  • gnash one's teeth
    скрежетать зубами
    The wound was very painful, and the man gnashed his teeth.
  • grit one's teeth
    сжать зубы
    My father didn't give me the money I asked for, so I grit my teeth and left the house.
  • lie through one's teeth
    врать напропалую
    It is customary for Lorna to lie through her teeth in order to get what she wants.
  • like pulling teeth
    очень трудно (делать)
    It was like pulling teeth to clean the mess in my brother's bedroom.
  • put some teeth into (something)
    увеличивать, наращивать (мощь, силу, значимость)
    The local government plans to put some teeth into the new parking rules.
  • set one's teeth on edge
    действовать кому-либо на нервы, раздражать, выводить из себя
    "Please, stop that noise! It sets my teeth on edge."
  • show one's teeth
    показать свой гнев или силу, "оскалить зубы"
    I got upset because my boss showed his teeth when I began to argue with him about my job.