Идиомы на тему Color

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  • black and blue
    (быть) в синяках
    I bruised my arm and it was black and blue for a long time.
  • chase rainbows
    пытаться достичь недостижимого
    "If you don't stop chasing rainbows, you won't achieve anything."
  • blue in the face
    (спорить) до посинения, до изнеможения
    Adam argued with his wife till he was blue in the face, but she didn't give in.
  • red flag
    сигнал, предупреждающий об опасности
    The driver stopped the car and raised a red flag before he started to change a mag wheel.
  • tickled pink
    быть очень довольным
    Bobby was tickled pink with his new bike.
  • green with envy
    завистливый (человек), позеленеть от зависти
    The little boy became green with envy when he saw his friend's new roller-skates.
  • out of the blue
    Eva hadn't expected that Jack would propose marriage; it came out of the blue.
  • paint the town red
    устроить весёлую вечеринку, предаваться шумному веселью
    Jimmy didn't work, spent a lot of money and painted the town red. It was all quite normal.
  • as black as coal
    чёрный как смоль
    The man had a dark complexion, and his hair was as black as coal.
  • as white as a sheet
    бледный как полотно
    When they told Pauline about the accident, she became as white as a sheet.
  • green-eyed monster
    "I don't want you to be consumed by the green-eyed monster; it will strongly affect your life."
  • red herring
    отвлекающий манёвр, что-либо сбивающее со следа
    The military maneuvers are a red herring, and they are not related to the matters of peace in this area.
  • see pink elephants
    воображать, придумывать что-либо не существующее
    I didn't believe Dina's story; I think she was seeing pink elephants.
  • as black as a skillet
    очень чёрный (как сковорода)
    Alan's hands were as black as a skillet when he finished repairing his car.
  • have a yellow streak
    быть трусливым
    The young man looks strong and healthy, but has a yellow streak and I don't advise you to rely on him.
  • black market
    чёрный рынок
    We bought a few things at the black market.
  • see red
    придти в бешенство, быть ослеплённым яростью
    "What did you mean when you spoke of the man seeing red?"
  • as black as night
    черный как ночь"
    The old house was as black as night when we entered it.
  • red-letter day
    праздник, памятный день, "красный день календаря"
    It was a red-letter day for Richard as nobody bothered him that day.
  • as black as the ace of spades
    очень чёрный (как негр)
    When she returned from the beach, she was as black as the ace of spades.
  • black and white
    видеть что-либо только в чёрно-белым свете
    My friend Melanie sees everything only in black and white.
  • green around the gills
    неважно выглядеть, выглядеть больным
    Sabina looked green around the gills after the long flight to Chicago.
  • catch (someone) red-handed
    быть захваченным с поличным
    The shop assistant caught a customer red-handed when she was stealing some clothes.
  • red-carpet treatment
    обращаться по-королевски
    I want to give a red-carpet treatment to my friends when they come to visit me.
  • talk until one is blue in the face
    говорить до посинения
    I could have talked until I was blue in the face, but he wouldn't listen to reason.
  • red-eye
    ночной рейс, прибывающий рано утром
    They had to take a red-eye flight to be able to get to London on the appointed day.
  • blue-ribbon
    знак отличия
    The blue-ribbon of the Atlantic is held by the liner that has the record for the fastest crossing.
  • blackout
    временная задержка информации, засекреченность
    The police decided to have a blackout regarding the information related to the investigation of the murder.
  • black out
    сделать затемнение
    I drew the curtains to black out the bedroom so that the rays of the sun wouldn't wake me up.
  • black eye
    синяк под глазом
    When the boys appeared in the room, one of them had a black eye and the other a cut lip; they had been fighting.
  • white lie
    ложь во спасенье, безобидная ложь
    I didn't want to go out with Arthur, so I told him a white lie about being very busy.
  • in (someone's) black books
    быть в немилости у кого-либо
    Mr. Blackberry has been in his wife's black books since he started to come home late.
  • as red as a cherry
    ярко-красный (как вишня)
    Sara wore bright red sandals and her dress was as red as a cherry.
  • green belt
    зелёная зона (вокруг города)
    Unfortunately there is no green belt around our city.
  • show one's true colors
    предстать в своём настоящем виде
    The young woman showed her true colors; I had never seen a more outrageous person!