Идиомы на букву H

  • have bats in one's belfry
    быть не в своём уме, "винтика не хватает"
    I think Molly has bats in her belfry; she always talks gibberish.
  • have (someone) eating out of (the palm of) your hand
    быть согласным на всё, "готовый есть из рук"
    Hilda had her boy friend eating out of the palm of her hand.
  • hit close to home
    затрагивать интересы, задевать за живое
    Mike asked me to join their team and my refusal hit close to home.
  • horse sense
    здравый смысл, мудрость в принятии решений
    I can never rely on his horse sense; he is not wise enough to make a proper decision.
  • have the Midas touch
    уметь легко делать деньги
    Moses has the Midas touch; he has the ability of making money easily.
  • have an ace up one's sleeve
    иметь козырь "про запас"
    Frieda had an ace up her sleeve which she could use against her opponent.
  • have the best of both worlds
    быть способным справляться с противоположными возможностями
    Orientiering is a good sport; one can have the best of both worlds - physical exercise and the outdoors.
  • have a heart of stone
    быть холодным и неприветливым; "сердце как камень"
    Ricardo has a heart of stone; he is cold and unfriendly.
  • have a mind of one's own
    поступать по своему разумению
    Tim has always had a mind of his own, so there is no use trying to convince him how to behave in the situation.
  • have a leg to stand on
    иметь поддержку, оправдание, свидетельство чего-либо
    Robert did not have a leg to stand on in the explanation of his behavior.
  • half-baked
    глупая \ ый
    "I don't really want to listen to your half-baked ideas about quitting the job."
  • have a foot in both camps
    поддерживать каждую из оппозиционных групп, "и нашим, и вашим"
    I suspect that the governor had a foot in both camps of opposing parties.
  • have to (do something)
    нужно, приходится
    I don't have to go to work at the weekends.
  • have a heart
    быть щедрым, уметь прощать
    Sally is generous and forgiving; she has a heart and everybody likes her.
  • holy cats
    Боже мой! (выражение удивления, удовольствия или гнева)
    "Holy cats, the rain is pouring! I can't leave the house."
  • hold one's horses
    ждать, быть терпеливым, "попридержи коней"
    "Hold your horses!" Mr. Smith said to Ron when the latter said he would call the police.
  • have had its day
    устареть отслужить своё, выйти из употребления
    I am afraid my computer has had its day and I have to buy a new one.
  • head is buzzing
    думать сразу о многом, иметь много дел, забот, волнений; "голова идёт кругом"
    My head has been buzzing since we moved to a new apartment.
  • have a lead foot
    слишком быстро водить машину
    I am afraid to go in Adam's car because he has a lead foot.
  • have a time
    испытывать большие трудности \ иметь неприятности
    I really had a time in the shop when I had left my credit card behind.
  • have one foot in the grave
    быть при смерти, "быть одной ногой в могиле"
    The woman was very sick and had one foot in the grave.
  • hot under the collar
    рассердившийся, взбешённый, возмущенный
    Lionel had the knack of leaving everybody hot under the collar and he knew it.
  • hand-me-down
    Cinderella had to wear hand-me-down clothes when she lived in her stepmother's house.
  • Holy mackerel!
    Боже мой! Не может быть! Ну и ну! (выражение удивления, удовольствия или гнева)
    "Holy mackerel!" cried the woman when she saw a kitten sitting under the table. "How did it get here?"
  • have a big heart
    быть добрым, щедрым, великодушным
    Tamara had a big heart and was always ready to help her relatives and friends.
  • have the floor
    взять слово (для выступления)
    Adam decided to have the floor and speak about the problems their firm was facing.
  • have a familiar ring
    иметь знакомое звучание
    The name of the girl has a familiar ring; it seems I have heard it before.
  • hard of hearing
    плохо слышащий
    My grandfather, who is nearly ninety, is almost blind and hard of hearing.
  • have pull with (someone)
    иметь влияние на кого-либо
    I don't have pull with my younger brother; he won't listen to my advice.
  • handle with kid gloves
    бережное обращение \ обхождение
    Sue is difficult to deal with, so you'd better handle her with kid gloves when you speak to her.
  • have nothing to do with (someone or something)
    не иметь ничего общего с кем-либо \ чем-либо
    Desmond Finch was not involved in the fraud and had nothing to do with the members of that group.
  • hand (something) to (someone) on a silver platter
    дать кому-либо что-либо не заслуженно
    Ken is used to being handed everything to him on a silver platter.
  • hold a candle to (someone or something)
    не идти ни в какое сравнение с кем-либо\ чем-либо; играть подчинённую роль
    Their new house can't hold a candle to their old one. It is bigger and more beautiful.
  • have one's head screwed on right/straight
    быть разумным, принимать правильные решения
    Henry seems to have his head screwed on straight; his decisions are always right.
  • have the cheek to do something
    иметь наглость сделать что-либо
    "You have broken my camera and now you have the cheek to tell me that you didn't do it."