Идиомы на букву T

  • take heart
    воспрянуть духом, подбодриться
    "It is impossible not to take heart in the company of such a nice person like you."
  • ten to one
    весьма вероятно
    Ten to one George will never come to see Donna again.
  • talk down to (someone)
    выставлять себя в лучшем свете (перед кем-либо)
    Jane is the smartest student in her class, but she never talks down to her friends or classmates.
  • take (someone) into one's confidence
    поверять кому-либо свои секреты
    I usually take my best friend into my confidence when I have problems.
  • take a course in (something)
    записываться на курсы, чтобы изучать что-либо
    Fanny is fond of patchwork and she has decided to take a course in it this year.
  • take a load off one's feet
    сесть и отдохнуть
    "Come in and sit down. Take a load off your feet."
  • teach someone a lesson
    преподать кому-либо урок, проучить кого-либо
    The burns the child got from playing with matches taught him a lesson.
  • tell it to the marines/Sweeney
    чепуха, ври больше! Расскажи это своей бабушке!
    I didn't believe Emma's crazy story about her love affair and I told her to tell it to the marines.
  • take (something) lying down
    безропотно сносить что-либо
    Jeremy never takes unpleasant things lying down; he always fights back.
  • turn over a new leaf
    (в корне) измениться, начать всё с начала
    After the divorce Margaret decided to turn over a new leaf and be happy again.
  • to be in high spirits
    быть в хорошем настроении
    I am in high spirits today.
  • talk through one's hat
    вести глупые разговоры, "нести чушь"
    "You are talking through your hat! What's got into you, I wonder?"
  • thick-skinned
    толстокожий, не чувствительный
    It's good to be thick-skinned; then you are not easily hurt or upset.
  • throw the baby out with the bathwater
    отвергнуть всё полностью (включая полезные вещи)
    There are weaknesses in the program, but if they act too hastily, they may cause the baby to be thrown out with the bathwater.
  • to be on easy street
    в полном довольстве, богатстве
    Jenny has been on easy street since she inherited a lot of money.
  • take care of number one
    заботиться, думать только о себе любимом
    Sofia is extremely selfish; she only takes care of number one and never thinks about other people.
  • tackle a problem
    биться над проблемой
    All the members of the staff had to tackle the problem of advertising.
  • take (someone) to task
    упрекать кого-либо, делать выговор
    Mrs. Shelby took her husband to task for his cruel conduct to his cousin Jeffrey.
  • That makes two of us.
    то же самое справедливо и обо мне
    "I don't want to take part in the track and field event," Lucy said. -"That makes two of us," Cathy replied.
  • teach one's grandmother to suck eggs
    поучать старших, "учить учёного"
    Bill was trying to show the mechanic how to repair his car, and it was like teaching my grandmother to suck eggs.
  • take it slow
    идти, передвигаться медленно
    I don't like an icy road and always take it slow.
  • to take on (something)
    брать на себя, предпринимать что-либо
    "I don't feel inclined to take on any more work at the moment. I am too busy."
  • turn the clock back
    повернуть вспять
    Mrs. Brown wishes she could turn the clock back to the days before the children grew up and left home.
  • take off time
    отсутствовать, взять отгул (на работе)
    I wanted to visit my parents, so I took off a few days from work.
  • take a new turn
    принять новый оборот
    The fund rising campaign took a new turn when a big company joined in it.
  • town-and-gown
    взаимоотношения между населением города и, расположенном в нём, университетом
    There are town-and-gown fights almost every year when parties are held for the new graduates.
  • take up (clothes)
    укоротить, сделать короче
    My skirt is too long; I need to have it taken up.
  • tail between one's legs
    быть пристыженным или побеждённым
    Steve had boasted he would win the tournament, but he went home with his tail between his legs.
  • throw a monkey wrench into the works
    испортить всё дело; вставлять палки в колёса
    The game went smoothly until Jeremy threw a monkey wrench into the works by fussing about the rules.
  • time is money
    время - деньги
    "Don't waste your time doing nothing; remember time is money."
  • throw money around
    сорить деньгами
    Paul made up his mind to buy a piece of waste land and built a swimming pool on it, but I believe that he is simply throwing money around; the idea doesn't seem to be good.
  • take a hand in (something)
    принять участие в чём-либо
    I'd like to take a hand in arranging a homecoming ball at school.
  • to hope against hope
    всё ещё надеяться; надеяться, не смотря ни на что
    The firefighters hoped against hope that they would be able to rescue the people in the house.
  • take (someone) to the cleaners
    обмануть кого-либо
    The other day George went to the casino and they took him to the cleaners.
  • talk (someone) out of (something)
    отговорить кого-либо от чего-либо, разубедить
    I tried to talk my husband out of buying a spots car, so far without any success.