Decant - формы английского глагола

Английский глагол decant является правильным глаголом. Его вторая и третья форма образуются при помощи окончания -ed.

3 формы глагола decant

Infinitive Начальная форма Past Simple Вторая форма Past Participle Третья форма
[ dɪˈkænt ]
[ dɪˈkæntɪd ]
[ dɪˈkæntɪd ]

Другие формы:

  • Причастие настоящего времени:
    decanting [ dɪˈkæntɪŋ ]
  • 3-е лицо единственного числа:

Значения глагола decant

  • сцеживать
  • переливать
  • фильтровать
  • декантировать
  • отмучивать
  • выцеживать

Примеры предложений

Decant it into another testicle.
Перелейте в другую мошонку.
Allow to clear and decant through a small filter paper into a flask.
Дать отстояться и отфильтровать в колбу через фильтровальную бумагу.
The obtained emulsion was decanted and sterilized.
Полученную эмульсию разливали во флаконы и стерилизовали.
все предложения

Спряжение глагола decant во временных формах

Simple Tense - Простое время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее
I decant
you decant
he, she decants
we decant
they decant
Past Simple
Простое прошедшее
I decanted
you decanted
he, she decanted
we decanted
they decanted
Future Simple
Простое будущее
I will decant
you will decant
he, she will decant
we will decant
they will decant

Continuous Tense - Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное
I am decanting
you are decanting
he, she is decanting
we are decanting
they are decanting
Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное
I was decanting
you were decanting
he, she was decanting
we were decanting
they were decanting
Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное
I will be decanting
you will be decanting
he, she will be decanting
we will be decanting
they will be decanting

Perfect Tense - Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное
I have decanted
you have decanted
he, she has decanted
we have decanted
they have decanted
Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное
I had decanted
you had decanted
he, she had decanted
we had decanted
they had decanted
Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное
I will have decanted
you will have decanted
he, she will have decanted
we will have decanted
they will have decanted

Perfect Continuous Tense - Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное
I have been decanting
you have been decanting
he, she have been decanting
we have been decanting
they have been decanting
Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное
I had been decanting
you had been decanting
he, she had been decanting
we had been decanting
they had been decanting
Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное
I will have been decanting
you will have been decanting
he, she will have been decanting
we will have been decanting
they will have been decanting
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