Reside - формы английского глагола

Английский глагол reside является правильным глаголом. Его вторая и третья форма образуются при помощи окончания -ed.

3 формы глагола reside

Infinitive Начальная форма Past Simple Вторая форма Past Participle Третья форма
[ rɪˈzaɪd ]
[ rɪˈzaɪdɪd ]
[ rɪˈzaɪdɪd ]

Другие формы:

  • Причастие настоящего времени:
    residing [ rɪˈzaɪdɪŋ ]
  • 3-е лицо единственного числа:
    resides [ rɪˈzaɪdz ]

Значения глагола reside

  • проживать
  • обитать
  • принадлежать
  • находиться
  • жить
  • пребывать
  • быть присущим
  • быть свойственным

Примеры фраз

reside in paris
жить в париже
reside here
пребывать здесь
reside only
жить только
reside abroad
находиться за границей
reside in France
проживать во Франции
все фразы

Примеры предложений

Tom currently resides in Boston.
В настоящее время Том проживает в Бостоне.
She resides in New York.
Она живёт в Нью-Йорке.
The people who reside here are our friends.
Люди, которые живут здесь - наши друзья.
все предложения

Спряжение глагола reside во временных формах

Simple Tense - Простое время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее
I reside
you reside
he, she resides
we reside
they reside
Past Simple
Простое прошедшее
I resided
you resided
he, she resided
we resided
they resided
Future Simple
Простое будущее
I will reside
you will reside
he, she will reside
we will reside
they will reside

Continuous Tense - Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное
I am residing
you are residing
he, she is residing
we are residing
they are residing
Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное
I was residing
you were residing
he, she was residing
we were residing
they were residing
Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное
I will be residing
you will be residing
he, she will be residing
we will be residing
they will be residing

Perfect Tense - Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное
I have resided
you have resided
he, she has resided
we have resided
they have resided
Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное
I had resided
you had resided
he, she had resided
we had resided
they had resided
Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное
I will have resided
you will have resided
he, she will have resided
we will have resided
they will have resided

Perfect Continuous Tense - Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное
I have been residing
you have been residing
he, she have been residing
we have been residing
they have been residing
Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное
I had been residing
you had been residing
he, she had been residing
we had been residing
they had been residing
Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное
I will have been residing
you will have been residing
he, she will have been residing
we will have been residing
they will have been residing
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