Tarnish - формы английского глагола

Английский глагол tarnish является правильным глаголом. Его вторая и третья форма образуются при помощи окончания -ed.

3 формы глагола tarnish

Infinitive Начальная форма Past Simple Вторая форма Past Participle Третья форма
[ ˈtɑːnɪʃ ]
[ ˈtɑːnɪʃt ]
[ ˈtɑːnɪʃt ]

Другие формы:

  • Причастие настоящего времени:
    tarnishing [ ˈtɑːnɪʃɪŋ ]
  • 3-е лицо единственного числа:
    tarnishes [ ˈtɑːnɪʃɪz ]

Значения глагола tarnish

  • тускнеть
  • порочить
  • пятнать
  • лишать блеска
  • лишаться блеска

Примеры предложений

There are many metals, such as gold, which never exhibit rust or tarnish.
Есть много металлов, таких, как золото, которые никогда не тускнеют и не покрываются ржавчиной.
A legend that has never been tarnished.
Легенда, которая никогда не была запятнана.
But if I tolerate her, I would be tarnished by it.
Но если я допущу её присутствие, я скомпрометирую себя этим.
But his reputation was never tarnished.
Но его послужной список кристально чистый.
Could tarnish your reputation pretty badly.
Это могло бы скверно отразиться на вашей репутации.
все предложения

Спряжение глагола tarnish во временных формах

Simple Tense - Простое время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее
I tarnish
you tarnish
he, she tarnishes
we tarnish
they tarnish
Past Simple
Простое прошедшее
I tarnished
you tarnished
he, she tarnished
we tarnished
they tarnished
Future Simple
Простое будущее
I will tarnish
you will tarnish
he, she will tarnish
we will tarnish
they will tarnish

Continuous Tense - Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное
I am tarnishing
you are tarnishing
he, she is tarnishing
we are tarnishing
they are tarnishing
Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное
I was tarnishing
you were tarnishing
he, she was tarnishing
we were tarnishing
they were tarnishing
Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное
I will be tarnishing
you will be tarnishing
he, she will be tarnishing
we will be tarnishing
they will be tarnishing

Perfect Tense - Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное
I have tarnished
you have tarnished
he, she has tarnished
we have tarnished
they have tarnished
Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное
I had tarnished
you had tarnished
he, she had tarnished
we had tarnished
they had tarnished
Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное
I will have tarnished
you will have tarnished
he, she will have tarnished
we will have tarnished
they will have tarnished

Perfect Continuous Tense - Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное
I have been tarnishing
you have been tarnishing
he, she have been tarnishing
we have been tarnishing
they have been tarnishing
Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное
I had been tarnishing
you had been tarnishing
he, she had been tarnishing
we had been tarnishing
they had been tarnishing
Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное
I will have been tarnishing
you will have been tarnishing
he, she will have been tarnishing
we will have been tarnishing
they will have been tarnishing
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