модальный глагол или его эквивалент

  • . Перепишите следующие предложения, подчеркните в каждом из них модальный глагол или его эквивалент; предложения переведите на русский язык.1. Can I speak to George Smith, please? – I’m afraid you cant. He is in a meeting at the moment.
    2. He had to get up very early last week.
    3. You must take a decision immediately

  • 1. Can I speak to George Smith, please? – I’m afraid you cant. He is in a meeting at the moment.
    2. He had to get up very early last week.
    3. You must take a decision immediately

  • HELP

  • 1. Can I speak to George Smith, please? – I’m afraid you cant. He is in a meeting at the moment.-Can -модальный глагол
    2. He had to get up very early last week.=had to get up=эквивалент модального глагола MUST
    3. You must take a decision immediately-must -модальный глагол

  • . Supply modal verbs or equivalents. помогите пождалуйста всавить модальные глаголы и эквиваленты

    1. … I offer you a cup of tea?
    2. – I (must, to go) to the office every day?
    – No, you (…).
    3. – May I invite businessmen to the conference room?”
    – No, you (…). It (must, to be cleaned).
    4. When you (can, to look through) it?
    5. – Why are you so late?
    – Because I (to have to phone) the British company.
    6. – Why did Mr. Smith go to London last month?
    – He (to be, to sign) a contract there.
    7. If the manager (not to have, to stay) late at the head office today he (to be able, to meet) Mr. Smith.
    8. We received your offer 5 days ago and we (cannot, to study) it.
    9. Who … make good coffee?
    10. You (to be, to contact) Blake & Co next Monday.

  • . Supply modal verbs or equivalents. помогите пождалуйста всавить модальные глаголы и эквиваленты

    1. May… I offer you a cup of tea?
    2. –Must I go to the office every day?
    – No, you need not.
    3. – May I invite businessmen to the conference room?”
    – No, you may not. It must be cleaned.
    4. When can you look through it?
    5. – Why are you so late?
    – Because I have to phone the British company.
    6. – Why did Mr. Smith go to London last month?
    – He was to sign a contract there.
    7. If the manager does not have to stay late at the head office today he will be able, to meet Mr. Smith.
    8. We received your offer 5 days ago and we cannot have studied it.
    9. Who …can make good coffee?
    10. You are to contact Blake & Co next Monday.

  • пожалуйста подскажите какой глагол поставить:
    He ... to sign the contract last week.
    a) not was alloved
    b)alloved was not
    c) was not alloved

  • marya
    was not allowed (через w пишется).

  • Здравствуйте,помогите с заданиями:)пожалуйста!надо перевести и найти эквивалент модального глагола. 1.business ventures have to be planned. 2. Economics is concerned with what should be. 3. A price is the amount of money the seller wants if he is to make a transaction with a buyer. 4. The number of things we are able to buy depends on our income.

  • Уважаемые Виталий, Vitaly, и все остальные, кто шарит в Английском. Помогите сделать моё задание, а то сессия на носу:
    Помогите определить модальный глагол или его эквивалент в следующих предложениях
    1. As telegraph wires couldn’t be hung over the ocean, cables had to be laid on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean.
    2. Judges must be free of any political bias.
    3. The development of new materials doesn’t mean that old materials should lose their significance.
    4. They were allowed to continue their research.
    5. Cactus plants needn’t much water. That’s why they can grow in the dry desert.
    6. He will be free tomorrow and he will be able to help you.