субъективные и объективные инфинитивные обороты
# mary_00
спасибо большое вы мне очень помогли
# Анна
помогите кто может с английским плиз!КОНТРОЛЬНОЕ ЗАДАНИЕ №4
I. Переведите письменно следующие предложения с субъектным и
объектным инфинитивными оборотами:
1. Many types of engines are reported to have been produced at the plant
during the last decade.
2. We want this automobile to be repaired in time.
3. This experiment happened to be very important for our understanding of
the phenomenon.
II. Переведите письменно предложения с независимым и зависимым
причастными оборотами:
1. The data mentioned in this report were soon published.
2. Having refused to continue this research the scientist was quite right.
3. The population of the city increasing, the authorities have to pay more
attention to water supply.
III. Переведите письменно условные предложения:
1. If the workers had been more careful they wouldn' t break the new
2. If the driver knew the reason of the trouble he would repair the engine
3. It would be impossible to supply them with all the necessary equipment
without our institute's help.
IV. Перепишите и переведите письменно текст.
1. Australian scientists have announced the discovery of a new type of
polywater - а substance which as American scientist has claimed could destroy all
life on earth. Two Sydney physicists, J. Middlehurst and L. R. Fisher, announced
that they discovered the new type of polywater by accident.
2. Ten times as viscous as normal water and about 40 per cent heavier,
polywater was discovered in 1962 by a Russian scientist.
3. Polywater has the same chemical composition as ordinary water but its
properties are entirely different. Its molecules are linked in a long chain changing
its physical properties readily, like plastic.
4. Russian researchers in 1962 said it kept its properties to about 1,000° F. and
well below freezing point.
5. Despite widespread scepticism that such a man-made substance really
existed, laboratories in the United States and England repotted they had prepared
small samples of the substance.
6. This led to a warning from Dr. Frank Donahoe,
s of Wilkes College, that
polywater could destroy all life on earth. He claimed that if it got loose and
combined with normal water, the earth would become a hot, dead world like
7. British scientists discounted Dr. Donahoe's warning and said that only a few
millionths of a cubic centimeter of polywater existed and all evidence pointed
against it being dangerous.
8. The original type of polywater was formed by condensing vapor inside
extremely fine capillary tubes of silica (silicon dioxide), the hydrogen atoms in the
water linking with oxygen atoms on the surface of the silica 31
9. The Australian researchers discovered their polywater called fluorite
polywater white studying water in food at the Commonwealth Scientific and
Industrial Research Division of food preservation.
10. The condensed water vapor between two flat plates of fluorite and
hydrogen atoms linked with atoms in the fluorite.
Слова и пояснения к тексту
by accident – случайно, нечаянно
scepticism – скептицизм, сомнение
fluorite – фторид
V. Перечитайте еще раз первый абзац текста и ответьте на
вопрос: In what way are molecules of polywater linked?КОНТРОЛЬНОЕ ЗАДАНИЕ №5
Для правильного выполнения контрольного задания №5 необходимо
повторить следующие разделы курса:
Грамматические функции глаголов should, would.
Обороты с инфинитивом и причастием, равнозначным придаточным
Различные значения слов as, because, because of, due to, for, since, both ... and,
either ... or, neither ... nor
1. I have done the work as it
was required.
Я сделал работу, как это
2. As there were many new
words in the text I used a dictionary.
Так как в тексте было много новых
слов, я пользовался словарем.
3. As to (as for) the computer it
can handle enormous quantity of data
per second.
Что касается компьютера, то
он может в секунду обработать
огромное число данных.
4. Electricity is a source of light
as well as of heat.
Электричество – это источник
света, а также тепла.
Because, because of
1. We use these films because
they possess superior properties.
Мы используем эти пленки,
так как они обладают
превосходными свойствами.
2. The engineers prefer electronic
devices because of their reliability.
предпочитают электронные
приборы вследствие их
Due to 32
.Plastics are in wide use due to their
light weight
Пластики находят широкое
применение благодаря их легкому
1. For а long time wood was being
applied for housing construction.
В течение долгого времени дерево
использовалось для строительства
2. We could not translate this text for
it contained unknown terms.
Мы не смогли перевести этот текст,
так как он содержал неизвестные
1. Man used wood for construction
since ancient times.
С древних времен человек
использо -
# Дина
Пожалуйста, помогите определить, где субъектный инфинитивный оборот, a где объектный инфинитивный оборот.
1. We heard the model be accurate but simple enough.
2. The creation of complex modern machines is considered to require a thoroughly developed industry and a high technical level in all branches of industry.
3. Some of the equipment was reported to have been damaged but none has been lost.
4. Our firm wants you to increase the order to five computers.
5. This congress is likely to last for a few days. -
# Vitaly
Пожалуйста, помогите определить, где субъектный инфинитивный оборот, a где объектный инфинитивный оборот.
1. We heard the model to be accurate but simple enough.---объектный
2. The creation of complex modern machines is considered to require a thoroughly developed industry and a high technical level in all branches of industry.---субъектный
3. Some of the equipment was reported to have been damaged but none has been lost.---субъектный
4. Our firm wants you to increase the order to five computers.---объектный
5. This congress is likely to last for a few days.---субъектный -
# Alexa22
помогите обределить объективный и субъективный инфинитив;
1. The company debts seem to be increasing greatly.2. Effects are considered statistically robust only if all three methods generate a significant impact of the same sign.
3. The share owner is said to attend an annual general meeting, and vote for directors and sometimes the principal officers.
4. Traditional joint stock companies are sure to exist in some areas.
5. As we see, neither the EU nor the United States seem to be less disposed toward multilateral negotiations.
# Vitalik
помогите обределить объективный и субъективный инфинитив;
1. The company debts seem to be increasing greatly.---Complex subject
2. Effects are considered statistically robust only if all three methods generate a significant impact of the same sign.---Complex subject
3. The share owner is said to attend an annual general meeting, and vote for directors and sometimes the principal officers.---Complex subject
4. Traditional joint stock companies are sure to exist in some areas.---Complex subject
5. As we see, neither the EU nor the United States seem to be less disposed toward multilateral negotiations.---Complex subject
# Alexa22
спасибо огромное)