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    У Вас не указано какого типа вопросы следует задать, поэтому задам специальные.
    1.How many people and firms does the economy comprise?
    2.When do firms experience high sales and general prosperity?
    3.What is a major factor in the success of firms?

  • Linda found a seat in a compartment that was full of middle-aged businessman. One of them offered to put her case on the rack for her. She politely refused. The man started talking to her after she had sat down. she tried to avoid getting into a conversation but it was impossible. He was one of those boring types that go on talking even if nobody is interested.
    When she casually mentioned she was going to Liverpool in order to do a report on the city, he began telling her all about the place. Several hours went by. He talked and talked. Linda hardly said anything. Finally, the train got into Liverpool. The man kept on talking. Linda got up to go. Just then he invited her to a party. He said he would introduce her to call his friends so that she could learn more about Liverpool. Linda politely refused and hurried out of the compartment. She could still hear the man's voice. He was talking to someone else in the compartment and she happened to catch a few words.
    "Nice girl", he was saying. " But you know, she talked so much that I could hardly put in a word." помогите составить 5 спецыальных вопроса!!!

  • :)

  • помогите задать 10 вопросов к тексту popular britich sports and games

  • The British people everyone else like sports and games. Britain invented and developed many of the sports and games which are now played all over the world. Football is one of them. It is spread all over the country – in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Their national teams compete with each other every year. They take part in different competitions. The two best teams play in the Cup Final at Wimble Stadium in London. There are many football clubs all over Britain.

    The British are famous for their sense of humor. Here’s one of their jokes about football: “Football is a game in which one side of the stadium want to see eleven men killed.”

    Cricket is another popular summer sport. It is sometimes called an English national game. It is known that people played cricket in England as early as 1550. Nowadays this summer game is plays in schools, colleges, universities and in most towns and villages of Britain. Students play weekly games from late April to the end of September. International cricket matches last for five days. Cricket is not plays only by men, girls and women play this game too.

    Boxing – is one of the oldest game. It existed even in Saxon times. Golf began to develops in Scotland and now is widely spread all over Britain. Nowadays every summer in June, the British hold the famous International Tennis Championship at Wimbledon near London.

    Swimming, boating, sailing, rugby, hockey, rowing, athletics, climbing and horse-riding have always been popular in Britain and enjoyed by millions of people.

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  • Play in pairs.Take turns to throw the dice and move around the board.When you land on a square ,ask a question using the words in that square .Write you questions down.The first player to write six correct questions is the winner.

  • Помогите,пожалуйста,составить вопросы к тексту.

    In the second half of the XX century, biological production potential of the world's oceans was seen as an inexhaustible source of seafood, especially fish, due to which it was planned to ensure food security of the inhabitants of the planet.
    As in the foreseeable future, expect an increase in catch and seafood production is not necessary, further increases in fish production is projected only through the development of predominantly freshwater aquaculture, and, as the international experience in this area is currently an alternative to the global fishing industry does not exist.
    Fish farming - one of the most promising sectors of agricultural production, which occupies an important place in the agriculture of the country as a source of raw materials and semi-finished products for the food, medical and light industrial feed products for livestock and poultry.
    Agricultural fishery products is of great importance for ensuring the necessary human proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Even with the current significant reduction in the consumption of fish per capita (9 kg compared to 14.5 kg in 1990), their share in the balance of meat and fish is about 40% (in the protein-year), and the overall balance of animal protein including meat , dairy products and eggs - 8%. Fish products can be used as medical, therapeutic and preventive diet.
    The advantages are farming fish farming in the rapid growth of fish, lower feed costs compared with farm animals. The advantage over other fish farming industries and agricultural sector is in great fertility of fish. The number of eggs produced by different species of fish, ranging from a few thousand (trout) to several tens of thousands (whitefish) and hundreds of thousands (carp). From one female carp get 500-600 thousand or more eggs, of which the following year can be grown for at least 60 tonnes of fish. Due to the high fertility for large-scale production of marketable fish can contain a small number of manufacturers.
    Also in conditions such as pond fish with proper selection of the locations of farms and careful monitoring of the quality of feed can be produced eco-friendly fish products.
    All the above indicates the merits of the agricultural and fisheries huge role in a person's life.
    In our country the first in the carp pond culture is. It is very easy to grow, as unpretentious and along with it has excellent taste. Recently, together with carp began to grow herbivorous fish, which allows the best use productivity ponds.
    Thus, high reproductive capabilities of fish, the rapid growth, the availability of broodstock fish farming at the point of consumption to quickly increase the volume of its production.

  • 1. Is fish farming one of the most promising sectors of agricultural production?
    2. How can fish products be used?
    3. How many eggs can one female carp produce?
    4. Why can we have a small number of fish manufacturers?
    5. What do the above facts indicate?
    6. Our country is the 1st to cultivate carp pond culture, isn't it?
    7. Is it easy or difficult to grow carp?
    8. What id they begin to grow recently along with carp?
    9. What contributes to increasing the volume of fish production?
    10. How did the world view the biological production potential of the oceans in the second half of the XX century?