Проверьте перевод предложения на английский.

  • Виталий , спасибо огромное!

    Since my childhood I dream to visit the UK. Many people say : «the UK is one of the best countries in which to go.» I’d like to go to the UK for what would be viewed many famous places. The first thing I’d visited the Park in London. They say that from the Ferris wheel you can see the most distant, but beautiful corners of London. Secondly, I would have went on the Loch ness. And thirdly I would go to Buckingham Palace.
    I was in Issyk-Kul twice. The impression of lake Issyk-Kul, will forever remain in my memory associated with the beauty of the mountain ranges of Kyrgyzstan, clean air, mysterious depth of this blue lake.
    And I was in Moscow. Last spring I was fortunate to go on trips to the Kremlin with a visit to the Grand Kremlin Palace, the faceted Palace and Terem Palace.

  • Ирина!
    У вас есть проблемы. Английские предложения строите как на русском языке, то калькируете, а этого делать нельзя. С временами у вас еще большая проблема. Не которые предложения вообще нельзя понять.
    Я так понял, что вы делали перевод на английский с русского или вам кто-то в этом помог. так вот, чтобы перевод хорошо лег на английский, надо было очень хорошо составить предложения на родном языке.

  • I have dreamt to visit the UK since my childhood Many people say : «the UK is one of the best countries to visit. I’d like to go to the UK to visit some famous places. The first thing I’d visit is the Park in London.(кмкой?) They say that from the Millennium wheel you can see the most distant, but beautiful corners of London. Secondly, I would isit the Loch Ness. And thirdly I would go to Buckingham Palace.
    I have been at Issyk-Kul twice. The impression of the lake will remain in my memory because of the beautiful mountain ranges of Kyrgyzstan, clean air, mysterious depth of this blue lake.
    I also visited Moscow last spring. I was happy to see the Kremlin .

  • Since my childhood I have been dreaming... In which to go... - я бы сказала, the best country where to go или for visiting... Но не так, как автор. Хотя бы потому что to go to, а не in... Следующее предложение не правильно в целом. Далее тоже + отсутствует сказуемое. The first PLACE I'd visit is... Далее калькированный перевод, нарушен порядок слов и полная чехарда. I would have went... - неправильно в корне. Время не то, gone, а не went... Далее опять калька.

  • Vera, приемлемый перевод, только Вы уверены, что clean air - это правильно? я бы сказала fresh air.

  • Справьтесь в Oxford Collocations Dictionary, если не уверены.

  • I have been dreamiong of visiting the UK since childhood. Many people say that the UK is one of the best countries to pay a visit to. Another reason to visit the UK is that it has a lot of famous historic places. First, I would visit LOndon's Hide Park. They say that from the Wheel you can see the most distant corners of London which are really beautiful. Second, I would go to the Loch Ness. And third, I would admire Buckingham Palace.
    I went to Issyk-Kul twice. The image of the lake will forever remain in my memory because it is associated with the beauty of the mountain ranges of Kyrgyzstan, clean air, mysterious depths of this blue lake.
    I was fortunate enough to visit Moscow too. Last spring I went on an excursion to the Kremlin? during whch I visited the Grand Kremlin Palace, the faceted Palace and Terem Palace.

  • Помогите, пожалуйста. Правильно ли переведено на английский?

    Ежегодно в одной из стран Европы проходит конгресс, на котором ведущие врачи и эмбриологи рассматривают наиболее важные вопросы, касающиеся репродукции человека. В июне очередной съезд был организован в Португалии, на него были приглашены специалисты - репродуктологи, эмбриологи, генетики из Англии, Италии, Финляндии, Швеции, Германии, Испании, Франции, Бельгии и многих других стран. Посетили данное мероприятие и специалисты центра “...........” - главный врач клиники Анна, репродуктолог Лариса, эмбриолог Татьяна.

    In one of the European countries meets annually congress, where the leading physicians and embryologists are consider the most important issues related on Human Reproduction. This year the regular congress was held in Portugal in June where were invited such experts as reproduction specialists, embryologists and geneticists from England, Italy, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Spain, France, Belgium and other countries. The event was also attended by experts of the "............" fertility center - Anna is a Chief Medical Officer, Larisa is a reproduction specialist, Tatiana is an embryologist.

  • Нет, неправильно. Много ошибок, видимо, работал не живой человек, а электронный переводчик.