Подскажите пожалуйста

  • Не могу понять как перевести последнее предложение, как то оно вообще не складывается.

    No matter how much I want to be angry with Tom, feelings just aren’t something that can be controlled.From the start, I knew that Tom wasn’t a feelings kind of guy. It just took him telling me the way he did for it to hammer home.

  • hammer sth home

    to make certain that something is understood by expressing it clearly and forcefully:
    The advertising campaign will try to hammer home the message that excessive drinking is a health risk.
    Took =needed
    The way he did=as he usually did, in his usual manner

  • It just took him telling me the way he did for it to hammer home.

    ---Если честно, то я вообще не понимаю эту фразу. Может, кто-нибудь растолкует мне ее на ПРОСТОМ АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ? Буду очень признателен.