
  • Choose the best option

    1. Mark the number of the word in which the vowel is the longest one.
    1) bar 2) cart 3) bard 4) garden 5) palm
    2. Mark the number of the word in which the vowel is the shortest one.
    1) fall 2) Paul 3) pork 4) four

    3. Mark the number of the syllable which is stressed in “competitors”. The syllables are numbered. (1, 2, 3, 4)

    4. We hear lateral plosion in
    1) spread 2) wouldn’t 3) cattle 4) in the park

    5. We hear nasal plosion in
    1) couldn’t 2) brother 3) within 4) plumber

    6. We hear lateral plosion in
    1) on the 2) couldn’t 3) brown 4) please

    7. Mark the number of the syllable which is stressed in “London’. The syllables are numbered. (1, 2)

    8. Mark the number of the syllable which is stressed in “Japanese”
    (1, 2, 3)
    9. The stress-pattern of the word “absent-minded’ is (“ X” means a stressed syllable,” x ‘ means an unstressed syllable.)

    1. x x X x
    2. X x x x
    3. X xX x
    4. x x x X

    10. The stress-pattern of the word ‘dignify’ is
    1. X x x
    2. x x X
    3. X x X
    4. x X x

    11. The stress- pattern of the word “swimming-bath” is
    1. X x X
    2. X x x
    3. x x X
    4. x X x

    12. The stress-pattern of the word “motivate” is
    1. x x X
    2. x X x
    3. X x X
    4. X x x

    13. Intonation is about how we say things, rather than what we say.
    1. True
    2. False

    14. In each tone unit, the pitch movement (a rise or fall in tone, or a combination of the two) takes place on the most important syllable known as _________ .
    1. the “intonation phrase”
    2. the “pitch range”
    3. the “tonic-syllable
    4. the melody

    15.________ is the degree of emphasis given a sound or syllable in speech.
    1. secondary stress
    2. stress
    3. syllable
    4. nasal

    16. _________ signals a sense of finality, completion, belief in the content of the utterance.
    1. High Fall
    2. Low Rise
    3. Low Fall
    4. High Rise

    17._________ is used when the speaker is sure that he does not know the answer, and the addressee knows the answer.
    1. Low Fall
    2. Low Rise
    3. High Fall
    4. High Rise

    18. Which tone is used in the conversation:

    A. My nephew graduated from the university.
    B. He graduated?

    1. Low Fall
    2. Low Rise
    3. Fall-Rise
    4. High-Rise

    19. Match one of the tones with the suggested attitude:
    1. Fall-Rise
    2. Low Fall
    3. High Rise
    4. Low Rise
    Attitude: dependency, continuity, non-finality
    20. In Wh-word question we usually use ________.
    1. A rising tone
    2. A falling tone