Определите функцию окончания –s в следующих предложениях

  • 1. Everyone goes to reception after the wedding ceremony.
    2. The immigrants had to move.
    3. The bride‘s family sends invitations to the guests.
    4. The girl who catches the bouquet is supposed to be the next person to get married!
    5. New leisure centers have been opened recently in this area.

  • 1.3 лицо ед.ч.present simple 2 мн ч. сущ.3 притяж. падеж сущ, 3 лицо ед. Ч present simple,мн.ч. сущ., мн.ч. сущ.4. 3 лицо сущ ед.ч. present simple,5 мн. Ч. Сущ.