Всем добра народ помогите пожалуйста с заданием

  • Put the verbs in brackets into required Tense Form (Future Indefinite, Future Continuous, Future Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous Active)
    1. I (to speak) to the doctor by 11 a.m. tomorrow. 2. If you come at nine they already (to have) dinner. 3. When the train comes my parents (to wait) for me at the station. 4. I (to fin¬ish) this book very soon; I (to read) it all day tomorrow. 5. "Yes, we... (to pay) in advance," she said at last. 6. By next September she (to work) here for five years.

  • Здесь рассматриваются сложные случаи употребления английский времен. Но это вовсе не значит, что тема эта неподъемная. Просто нужно внимательно изучать грамматику и отрабатывать все эти времена на практике. А для этого надо иметь хорошие источники обучения.

    1. I will have spoken to the doctor by 11 a.m. tomorrow. 2. If you come at nine, they will have already had dinner. 3. When the train comes, my parents will be waiting for me at the station. 4. I will finish this book very soon; I will be reading it all day tomorrow. 5. "Yes, we paid/have paid in advance," she said at last. 6. By next September she will have been working here for five years.