with and without

  • Hi
    Could I write like this?
    A person prefers to be with own thoughts without disturbens of othes.

  • Почему вы так все усложняете? Такой знак зодиака?
    Почему не сказать проще: A person prefers not to share his thoughts with others.

  • Yes thanks But I do not understand why ---his thoughts
    a person --could be she or he

  • Да, если следовать модным ныне правилам политкорректности, в этом случае пишется не his, и не his or her,как раньше, а their.

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  • Да я уже это сделала В предложении говорила о человеке , а потом назвала его they
    Сказали что ошибка.
    A person prefers not to share own thoughts with others.

  • Yes thanks But I do not understand why ---his thoughts

    ---In this case a person is a man. Another person can be a woman. If thatwere the case, we woujld write " A person prefers not to share her thoughts with others".
    If you want to combine the two in one sentence, write " A person prefers not to share his or her thoughts with others".
    But that was not the original idea. It was to simplify the sentence and write it in as clear a language as it could possibly be.
    Have I made myself understood?

  • Yes I understood you. I speak about a person . I do not know who is this person . Probably a woman or man
    I think I should write ---- A person prefers not to share own thoughts with others.

  • I think I should write ---- A person prefers not to share own thoughts with others.

    ---I does not matter whether or not you know if it is a man or a woman. In this case we usually write NOT TO SHARE HIS /HER THOUGHTS. Instead of the forward slash you can write OR.

    As to your sentence I think thta there is something lacking in it, and this is definitely a possessive pronoun.

    Generally speaking, it is not of paramount importance if you have a possesive pronoun before OWN or miss it. The main thing is to be understood by your interlocutor. If you are, then your idea is delivered to him or her.

  • I passed predtest IELTS exam. And I wrote : - A person prefers not to share HIS /HER thoughts with others.
    But it was a mistake. I got 6 score. They do not like HIS /HER

  • And who told you that "their "was incorrect, I wonder? Совет: избегайте "скользких" тем. Особенно на экзаменах. Выбирайте предложения, где не придраться. Доказывать – себе дороже.

  • ох с удовольствием бы избегала . Но там в любой теме обсуждают человека. и потом говорят о его качествах. Вот счас пишу топик о gifted people . Опять та же проблема в любом топике. Спасибо