Помогите пожалуйста составить типы вопросов

  • Здравствуйте! Нужно составить типы вопросов к этим предложениям: общий, альтернативный, разделительный и специальные(4):
    1)The student will have received a sufficiently wide education by the end of the university course
    2)He had obtained the degree of Baghelor
    3)He had attended the lawschool before he became a solicitor
    4)He has already passed examinations in civil and criminal law
    5)We shall have passed the finals by the end of June.
    Заранее благодарю!

  • 1)The student will have received a sufficiently wide education by the end of the university course, won't he?--разделит
    Will the student have received a sufficiently wide education by the end of the university course?---общий)
    Will the student have received a sufficiently wide or narrow education by the end of the university course?---альтернативный
    Who will have received a sufficiently wide education by the end of the university course?--спец к подлеж.
    What will the student have received by the end of the university course? -к дополн.
    When will the student have received a sufficiently wide education? --обст времени
    What education will the student have received by the end of the university course? --к опред.

    Пробуйте дальше.