
  • A. Paraphrase the following:

    1. I nodded a greeting. 2. Women thought a lot of him. 3. A bit of money used to come in for him. 4. He had had bad luck at cards. 5. There was no more money coming from home ... 6. He was all to pieces. 7. I got some idea ... 8. I'm not in a very good condition. 9. Do you think he gave up the idea...

    b. Give your interpretation of the following:

    1. He is a remittance man. 2. There was no harm in him. 3. He could lose money with a good face. 4. I swam for my university. 5. I've known many men who were too much praised at their university.

    c. Give Russian equivalents to the following phrases:

    1. "Any salary would do," he said. 2. And what have you been doing so far? 3. Well, nothing very much ..; 4. Isn't there anything you can do except play cards? 5. Come back and see me in another thirty five years ...

  • b. Give your interpretation of the following:

    1. He is a remittance man.---человек, живущий на денежные переводы 2. There was no harm in him.---и мухи не обидит 3. He could lose money with a good face.---не расстраивался из-за потери денег 4. I swam for my university.---представлял команду университета по плаванию 5. I've known many men who were too much praised at their university.---знаю многих ребят, которые были очень популярны в своем университете.

    c. Give Russian equivalents to the following phrases:

    1. "Any salary would do," he said.---Соглашусь на любую зарплату---сказал он. 2. And what have you been doing so far? ---А до сих пор чем ты занимался?3. Well, nothing very much ..---Да, так, ничем особенным.; 4. Isn't there anything you can do except play cards?---А кроме как игры в карты ты что-нибудь можешь делать? 5. Come back and see me in another thirty five years ...---Возвращайся и посмотри, каким я стану через 35 лет...