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  • Administrative law in British Columbia
    All levels of government make laws and regulations that affect us every day. In addition, there
    are many agencies, boards and commissions that make regulations that affect us.
    - The provincial government makes laws about the minimum wage and number of hours that an
    employer has to give to an employee
    - The federal government makes laws about our right to employment insurance and the rates we
    pay for telephone service
    - Some professions, such as doctors and accountants, are governed by organizations that
    establish rules for practicing their professions
    The resolution of disputes involving government laws and how they are applied is called
    administrative law.
    How Are Tribunals Involved?
    If you disagree with a decision that a particular government agency has made, an administrative
    tribunal will hear your complaint and make a decision about your case. For example, if a federal
    government agency has denied you employment insurance benefits when you lost your job, an
    administrative tribunal would hear your complaint.
    A tribunal is sometimes called a “board” or a “commission”. In BC, the procedures of tribunals
    are governed by the Administrative Tribunals Act, as well as the internal bylaws and regulations
    developed by each agency, tribunal, commission or board.
    Types of Tribunals
    There are dozens of municipal, provincial and federal tribunals – some resolve disputes
    between parties and some set standards and regulations for particular industries. In general, we can
    categorize tribunals by their mandate – that is, what they were established to do:
    - Adjudicative tribunals resolve disputes between two parties
    - Some tribunals make decisions about a person’s rights or benefits
    - Some tribunals hear complaints about professionals
    - Regulatory tribunals set regulations for the better operation of an industry
    - Appeal tribunals hear appeals from decisions that were made by a decision maker or other tribuna

    What is Administrative Law? Fill in the blanks using the following words:
    court Radio fair knowledge biased invisible oral three legislation reasons standards regulate less
    lawyer decide know
    1. Administrative tribunals are similar to _______________.
    2. The video compares administrative law to another type of law called _______________ Law.
    3. The Canadian ___-Television and Telecommunications Commission regulates cell phone rates.
    4. Another name for a “law” made by government is ____ (also statute, enactment, regulation, or Act).
    5. One, Two or _____ levels of government have administrative tribunals in BC.
    6. An administrative tribunal is more or _______ formal than a provincial court.
    7. In general, a person does not need a _______________ at a tribunal meeting because he/she
    represents himself or herself.
    8. To be hired, an adjudicator must have specialized _______________ in their field.
    9. To resolve a dispute, an adjudicator can provide a written judgment, investigate, mediate,
    _______________, or make policies.
    10. All administrative tribunals must try to uphold the ‘duty to be _______________’.
    11. Of the four principles regarding this duty, the first principle is the ‘right to _______________ the
    12. An ______________ hearing is one in which a person must attend a tribunal in person.
    13. In order to ensure a fair decision, an adjudicator must not be _______________.
    14. In the third principle of fairness, the adjudicator hearing the case must also be the one to
    _______________ the case.
    15. Along with the adjudicator’s decision, the forth principle states that he/she must

  • Административное право в Британской Колумбии
    Все уровни власти принимают законы и постановления, оказывающие на нас влияние каждый день. Кроме того, существует много агентств, советов и комитетов, принимающих правила, которые так же влияют на нас.
    - Провинциальное правительство принимает законы о минимальном размере заработной платы и количестве часов, которые работодатель должен предоставить работнику
    - Федеральное правительство принимает законы о нашем праве на страхование занятости и тарифах, которые мы оплачиваем за телефонную связь
    - Некоторые профессии, такие как профессии врача и бухгалтера, регулируются организациями, которые устанавливают правила для практики их деятельности
    Разрешение споров, связанных с государственными законами и тем, как они применяются, называется административным правом.
    Как работают суды?
    Если вы не согласны с решением, принятым конкретным государственным органом, административный суд рассмотрит вашу жалобу и примет решение по вашему делу. Например, если федеральное государственное учреждение отказало вам в пособии по страхованию занятости, когда вы потеряли работу, административный суд рассмотрит вашу жалобу.
    Суд иногда называют "коллегией” или "комиссией". В Британской Колумбии процедуры судов регулируются Законом об административных судах, а также внутренними подзаконными актами и положениями, разработанными каждым учреждением, судом, комиссией или коллегией.
    Виды судов
    Существуют десятки муниципальных, провинциальных и федеральных судов – некоторые разрешают споры между сторонами, а некоторые устанавливают нормы и правила для конкретных отраслей промышленности.
    В целом мы можем классифицировать суды по их мандату – то есть по тому, для чего они были созданы:
    - Судебные трибуналы разрешают споры между двумя сторонами
    - Некоторые суды принимают решения о правах или выгодах человека
    - Некоторые суды рассматривают жалобы на специалистов
    - Законодательные судебные исполнительные органы устанавливают правила для лучшего функционирования отрасли
    - Апелляционные суды рассматривают жалобы на постановления (решения), принятые лицом, ответственным за принятие решений, или другим судом.

    1. Administrative tribunals are similar to court .
    2. The video compares administrative law to another type of law called invisible Law.
    3. The Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission regulates cell phone rates.
    4. Another name for a “law” made by government is legislation (also statute, enactment, regulation, or Act).
    5. One, Two or three levels of government have administrative tribunals in BC.
    6. An administrative tribunal is more or less formal than a provincial court.
    7. In general, a person does not need a lawyer at a tribunal meeting because he/she represents himself or herself.
    8. To be hired, an adjudicator must have specialized knowledge in their field.
    9. To resolve a dispute, an adjudicator can provide a written judgment, investigate, mediate, regulate, or make policies.
    10. All administrative tribunals must try to uphold the ‘duty to be fair ’.
    11. Of the four principles regarding this duty, the first principle is the ‘right to know the case’.
    12. An oral hearing is one in which a person must attend a tribunal in person.
    13. In order to ensure a fair decision, an adjudicator must not be biased.
    14. In the third principle of fairness, the adjudicator hearing the case must also be the one to decide the case.
    15. Along with the adjudicator’s decision, the forth principle states that he/she must give reasons.