• I. Напишите цифрами следующие числительные и действия c ними:

    1.1. seven and a half ______________________________________________
    1.2. two fourths __________________________________________________
    1.3. nought point one nought six ____________________________________
    1.4. ninety three point eight four six __________________________________
    1.5. twelve by four equals three _____________________________________
    1.6. five multiplied by seven is thirty five______________________________
    1.7. seven from fifteen is eight ______________________________________
    1.8. ten to the third power __________________________________________
    1.9. the square root of ay___________________________________________
    1.10. eleven degrees below zero ______________________________________

    II. Выпишите предложения, содержащие причастия I и II в функции определения. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
    2.1. The boiling water changes into steam.
    2.2. The experimental flexible line will be working for two hours on Wednesday.
    2.3. The machine parts lie on a moving platform.
    2.4. The fibres produced by our shop are of improved quality.
    2.5. One machine tool is being worked at in our laboratory.
    2.6. The device invented showed good performance.
    2.7. They have considerably developed the engine.

  • II 21, 23, 24,26,