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  • I. Read the verse, find sentences with Comlpex Object
    Who killed Cock Robin?
    -I, said the Sparrow
    With my bow and arrow
    I killed Cock Robin.
    Who saw him die?
    -I, said the fly
    With my little eye
    I saw him die.
    Who caught his blood?
    -I, said the Fish,
    With my little dish,
    I caught his blood.
    Who will make his shroud?
    -I, said the Beetle,
    With my thread and needle
    I’ll make his shroud.
    Who’ll be the Clerk?
    -I, said the Lark,
    If it’s not in the dark
    I’ll be the clerk.
    Who’ll toll the bell?
    -I, said the Bull
    Because I can pull
    I’ll toll the bell.
    All the birds of the air
    Fell a-sighing and a-sobbing
    When they heard the bell toll
    For poor Cock Robin.

  • Who saw him die?
    I saw him die.
    When they heard the bell toll...