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  • I. Выберитеправильныйвариантответа
    1. Kate’s sister ….. got many toys. a) has b) have c) hasn’t
    2. We ….. got many friends. a) have b) hasn’t c) has
    3. She ….. got two eyes. a) have b) has c) haven’t
    4. Ann’s brother ….. got a car. a) have b) is c) has
    5. The teacher ….. got a book. a) has b) have c) is

    II. Прочитайте текст с пропусками и выбери верный вариант ответа.
    When you see 1 _____town or city in Britain from the air, it 2 _____very big.
    Still people in Britain 3 _______ in the centre of a town. Most people live in the suburbs. And most people don’t live in flats. They 4 _____ live in a house with a garden.
    Most of the buildings in town centre are shops and offices. Big shops are usually in the town centre – furniture shops, clothes shops, shoe shops. But most suburbs 5 _____ a few small shops, too. There is usually a newsagent’s, a supermarket, a hairdresser’s, a post office and a chemist’s. There is often a pub, too.

    1. a) large b) popular c) any d) pretty
    2. a) to see b) saw c) looking d) looks
    3. a) doesn’t live b) didn’t live c) don’t live d) live no
    4. a) usually b) are c) like d)never
    5. a) has b) had c) haven’t d) have

    III. Вставьте в предложения глаголы в скобках в форме Present Simple
    1. Andrew’s wife …..in Hatfield. (work)
    2. Vince ….football every day ( not play)
    3. Sue …. to college on Sunday ( not go)
    4. Where ….. you …..? (study)
    5. I ….. at 6 o’clock. (get up)

    IV. Выберите правильный вариант ответа

    1. …..any bridges on the map. a) there are b) there is c) there isn’t
    2. …… three bedrooms in his house. a) there isn’t b) there is c) there are
    3. …… a DVD on the computer. a) there aren’t b) there are c) there is
    4. …… two bathrooms in the house? a) is there b) are there c) there is
    5. …… a church in the city. a) there are b) there aren’t c) there is

    V. Преобразуйте количественные числительные в порядковые
    1. fifteen
    2. eighty-three
    3. sixhundredandsixteen
    4. twenty
    5. twelve

    VI. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги. Напишите указанные в скобках даты и время словами
    1. My yonger-sister was born .… (15.12.1988).
    2. Our dog was born …. October of (2008).
    3. I get up …. (5.30) every day.
    4. I go to bed …. (9.45) p.m.
    5. My son go to the musical school ….Monday….(5.00)….(7.00) p.m.

    VII. Образуйте множественное число существительных
    1. a house
    2. a man
    3. a box
    4. a table
    5. a cook
    6. a human
    7. a gitar
    8. a plant
    9. a role
    10. a girl

    VIII. Распределите следующие существительные на две группы:
    1) Исчисляемые 2) Неисчисляемые:
    paper – bottle – porridge – happiness - pencil - coffee – girl – work – job – plate – dog – meat - news – apricot – toothpaste – time - bedroom – money - magazine – information

    IX. Поставьте How many? или How much?
    1. … salt do you usually put in the soup?
    2. … cups of tea shall I bring?
    3. … filmsdidyousee?
    4. … friendshashegot?
    5. … free time do we have?

    X. Выберите нужное местоимение
    1. Do you have .....children?
    a) some b) any с) no
    2. He knows .....about computers. He is a good computer programmer.
    a) something b) everything c) nothing
    3. Jack doesn't have .....money.
    a) some b) any с) no
    4. I don’t want .....to help me.
    a) anybody b) nobody c) somebody
    5. . ...... can answer this question. It is very simple.
    a) anyone b) someone c) no one