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  • Короче , не знаю даже что написать, извините за выражение , просто не **у что можно написать , я в интернете нашёл но все ответы одинаковые а мне нужно сдать это чтобы не спалииться . Здесь творческий подход нужен , своё мнение высказать , кто умеет сочинять , то прошу , помогите .( Мне нужен не перевод а именно письмо на тему эту )

    (Это основное задание ) A local newspaper has recently published a series of articles about young people . In most of the articles , young people are described as irresponsible , rude and looking only for cheap entertainment. These opinions are mainly based on a few recent incidents in the local discotheque . You are going to write a letter to the editor expressing your disapproval not only with the editorial policy of treating the topic, but also with the perception of young people.

    Что бы понять суть можно прочитать вот этот текст к заданию :

    I am writing to tell you that the case of George Trimble in your edition of September 14th highlights one of the major issues that society faces today . As to a psychologist who specialises in adolescence, it is clear to me that problems confrontin young people are increasing . More teenage girls are getting pregnant and there are more single mothers . There is also a higher incidence of teenage boys dropping out of school and more gangs on the street corners . 22 percent of boys up to age 18 are reported by a school or other authority for delinquency . Moreover , suicide rates among young men are climbing and a third of teenagers suffer depression at some point . But what are parents to do ? Should they be more authoritarian and risk alienating their children so much they wil not talk about their fears and concerns ? Should they try to stop them having sex or encourage safe sex ? It is no easy thing to find a balance between discipline and tolerance . No one seems to know what the rules are any more . However , unless we start to address these questions as a society , and that means government , schools and parents , things will only get worse . Yours faithfully , Dr Margaret Haster