Modal verbs

  • Здравствуйте:),
    Проверьте пожалуйста правильно ли я использовала модальные глаголы.
    С уважением,
    1. This is really a simple puzzle. Are there other types of life out there in the universe? Frank Drake, an astrophysicist, thinks that if only one in billion planets has living things, then there (MUST/MAY) may be over 6 billion planets with living things on them. Enrice Fermi, however, says that if life is that usual, then why we haven't had any signs of other kinds of life in the universe.
    2. Astrophysics knows a lot about what our universe consists of. But in fact, we can only see about 4% of the universe. The models of the universe show there (MUST/MIGHT) must be a lot of matter which we don't see or "dark matter". This word means that we have no idea of what it is. It's made of different type of matter and it reacts with light and other matter ia a different way.
    3. The astrophysicists think there (COULD/MUST) could be many universes, which are in the same space and time as our universe. These universes (MAY/ MUST) may have their own history and laws of physics. This is not a fact for the moment, but some day it (MAY/ MUST) may be possible to travel to the other universe to your favourite singer's concert.

  • Хорошо.
    В пункте 3, во втором случае, я бы поменял модальные глаголы.