Тестовые задания

  • Здравствуйте! Помогите с ответами на тестовые вопросы, в которых нужно вместо точек вставить пропущенные слова. С этими тремя вопросами возникли трудности.
    1. I thought .... a well-paid barrister.
    a. her to be
    b. she to be
    c. she being
    d. her be
    2. The victim hates … questioned.
    a. being
    b. is
    c. been
    d. be
    3. A lawyer … be good at dealing with people.
    a. have to
    b. is to
    c. is
    d. has
    На второй вопрос ответ, думаю, а).

  • Правильно думаете.
    А почему не думаете по другим вопросам?
    В первом предложении мы имеем сложное дополнение.
    В третьем предложении адвокат должен в силу обстоятельств уметь хорошо обращаться с людьми. Вот и подумайте. какой глагол тут употребить. Он должен быть в третьем лице единственного числа.

  • 3b модальный глагол (должен, предполагается, что должен)

  • Вопрос 1
    How long … as a lawyer before you retired?
    a. had you be work
    b. had you been working
    c. you to work
    d. you be working

    Вопрос 2
    I … to the court if I had received the notification.
    a. would have gone
    b. would go
    c. would have go
    d. will go

    Вопрос 3
    This criminal case was very interesting. That is why I decided ... about it.
    a. having spoken
    b. to speak
    c. speaking
    d. speak

    Вопрос 4
    .... he … the investigation?
    a. Has ... been finished
    b. Has ... finished
    c. Has ... finishing
    d. Has ... finish

    Вопрос 5
    He … near the court when the lawyer arrived.
    a. were standing
    b. was standing
    c. is standing
    d. standing

    Вопрос 6
    He is said … as a chief counsel for a multinational corporation.
    a. to work
    b. work
    c. worked
    d. to be worked

    Вопрос 7
    Large corporations tend ... their own team of attorneys.
    a. employ
    b. employing
    c. to be employed
    d. to employ

    Вопрос 8
    Labour Law is expected ... many aspects of the relationship between trade unions and employers.
    a. mediating
    b. had mediated
    c. to mediate
    d. to be mediated

    Вопрос 9
    They are … . They’ve been working hard all day long.
    a. exhaust
    b. exhausting
    c. exhausted
    d. exhaustion

    Вопрос 10
    Contract law is a body of rules ... the formation, performance, and enforcement of contracts.
    a. governed
    b. be governed
    c. to governing
    d. governing

    Вопрос 11
    The basic subject matter of labour law can .... under nine broad heads: employment; individual employment relationships; wages and remuneration; conditions of work; health, safety, and welfare; social security; trade unions and industrial relations; the administration of labor law; and special provisions for particular occupational or other groups.
    a. is considered
    b. to be considered
    c. be considered
    d. considering

    Вопрос 12
    If I knew, I … to the conference.
    a. would had come
    b. will come
    c. came
    d. would come

    Вопрос 13
    He is not at the office. He … have left already.
    a. will
    b. must
    c. must to
    d. need

    Вопрос 14
    Most contracts can be ... written .... oral.
    a. both...and
    b. either...or
    c. neither...nor
    d. both...or

    Вопрос 15
    She is … at dealing with people than I am.
    a. good
    b. the best
    c. better
    d. best

    Вопрос 16
    Criminal law focuses on behaviors that ... under criminal code and defined as illegal.
    a. are sanctioned
    b. are sanctioning
    c. is sanctioned
    d. are sanction

    Вопрос 17
    I thought .... a well-paid barrister.
    a. her to be
    b. she to be
    c. she being
    d. her be

    Вопрос 18
    That is … contract I’ve ever signed, in fact.
    a. bad
    b. the worst
    c. worst
    d. worse

    Вопрос 19
    The victim hates … questioned.
    a. being
    b. is
    c. been
    d. be

    Вопрос 20
    They are looking … someone ambitious and hardworking for this position.
    a. by
    b. for
    c. over
    d. after

    Вопрос 21
    A lawyer … be good at dealing with people.
    a. have to
    b. is to
    c. is
    d. has

    Вопрос 22
    Immigration lawyers ... with individual clients when their head of the department came in.
    a. was working
    b. are working
    c. were worked
    d. were working

    Вопрос 23
    Why should I ... the contract?
    a. signing
    b. to sign
    c. having signed
    d. sign

    Вопрос 24
    When one party refuses to perform or fails ... the obligations under the contract, it is called a breach of contract.
    a. to performed
    b. to perform
    c. performed
    d. to performing

    Вопрос 25
    ... ... the draft, they decided to continue discussing the contract the following day.
    a. Having prepared
    b. Having preparing
    c. Has prepared
    d. Had prepared

  • если есть неправильные ответы, то укажите, пожалуйста. Я ещё покумекаю над ними. Английский трудно даётся. Не гуманитарий

  • Вам не надо кумекать, все ответы правильные.
    Для юриста вы неплохо разбираетесь в английском.
    Чувствуется, что вы знакомы с теорией языка.