
  • Доброго времени суток!Пожалуйста, помогите найти, где я ошибся.

    Choose the correct answers.

    Which of the following is a plural noun?

    What is the plural possessive form of the word «company»?

    Which sentence uses a plural possessive noun correctly?
    The boys' toys are on the floor.

    Which sentence uses a plural noun correctly?
    The books are on the shelf.

  • Which of the following is a plural noun?
    toys, books

    What is the plural possessive form of the word «company»?

    Which sentence uses a plural possessive noun correctly?
    The boys' toys are on the floor.

    Which sentence uses a plural noun correctly?
    The books are on the shelf.
    .The boys'toys sre on the floor.

    Скрыть комментарии
  • Спасибо,вы всегда меня выручаете.В первом предложении был вариант Dogses.Он подходит?
    А почему companies'? Было в единственном

  • Про собак я не поняла, что надо, потому что вы не дали предложения.
    Про компании, вы не прочитали вопрос, т.е. не поняли.What is the plural possessive form of the word «company»?
    plural possessive form какова форма притяжательнного падежа множественного числа от слова...

  • Whenever you're talking about more than one company, you should spell companies with an I-E-S. The spelling companys isn't correct. The only time you should use the spelling companys is when you include an apostrophe between the Y and the S. That's how you create the possessive form of company.
    Visit website: https://www.native-english.ru/forum/55440/sokrascheniya#post62318/ https://drift-hunters.io