Помогите пожалуйста (Пассивный залог)

  • 14-12-2011 16:29
    Сообщений: 44 Посмотрите плиз , все ли правильно)
    1)Do they teach Latin at this school? Is Latin taught at this school?)
    2)Is Tim cleaning the house? (Is the house being cleaned by Tom?)
    3)Who built the Pyramids? (Whom were the Pyramids built by?)
    4)I expect they will deliver my new car soon. (I expect my new car will be delivered soon)
    5)Did your next door neighbors see the thieves? (Were the thieves seen by your next door neighbors?)
    6)A lot of children use computers nowadays. (Computers are used by a lot of children nowadays)
    7)Who smashed the kitchen window? (Whom was the kitchen window smashed by?)
    8)Jill hasn`t done the housework yet. (The housework hasn`t been done by Jill yet)
    9)Did they show the fire on the news? (Was the fire shown on the news by them?)
    10)When did the wind blow down the tree? (When was the tree blown down by the wind?)
    11)Who made all these cakes? (Who were all these cakes made by?)
    12)Who teaches traditional dance at this school? (Whom is traditional dance taught by at this school?)

  • помогите пожалуйста!!!!!!
    Поставьте следующее предложение в пассивный залог и определите время у сказуемого:
    All organizations need to control their cash requirements

  • Елена
    Cash requirements need to be controlled by all organizations.
    Время - Present Simple

  • Помогите составить к этим предложениям по 5 вопросов 1.The letters were sent yesterday. 2.His house was built 10 years ago. 5.That room is cleaned everyday.

  • EGOR
    1. Television has been criticised by people for...
    2. Too much violence and cruelty are shown...
    3. People are shot by police agents and criminals on TV...
    4. Such programmes should never be run ....
    5. Rude jokes are made in.,..
    6. People are humiliated when they are made to fight...
    7. Different points of view should be presented in...
    8. The impression of TV programmes is often spoilt by...

  • 1) Люди были критиковать телевидение за то, что с угрозой для societu recentry
    2) Телевидение показывает слишком много насилия и жестокости
    3) На экране телевизора в полицию? Преступники и тайные агенты стрелять в людей, как если бы они были кролики
    4) Они никогда не должны работать такие программы в прайм-тайм
    5) В плохо-вкусовых программ они делают грубые шутки
    6) Они унижают людей, когда они делают их бороться за определенную сумму денег
    7) В политических телепрограмм они должны представить различные точки зрения
    8) Реклама часто испортить впечатление от телевизионных программ егор вот

  • Переведете пожалуйста в пассивный залог
    they are selling delicious fruit ice-cream there now

  • Delicious fruit ice-cream is being sold there now.