помогите пожалуйста) Вставьте some, any, no, every или их производные.

  • 1. ... who came to his place, was shocked with the mode of his life.
    2. Could you tell us... exciting about your travelling?
    3. Did you learn ... topics on political item?
    4. I can see... foodstuff in your fridge. It is empty.
    5. I have visited... libraries in looking for more information for my report.
    6. There are... reception rooms in the White House.
    7. Have you seen... in his study? ... precious things have missed.
    8. ... must know the constitution of the country you live in.
    9. Is there ... in your report which is worth of our attention?
    10. There are … difficult tasks in this test.

  • art
    1. everybody
    2. something/anything
    3. any
    4. no
    5. some
    6. some
    7. anybody/ some
    8. everybody
    9. anybody
    10. some
    Возможно так, но не уверена

  • 1) everyone
    2) anything
    3) any
    4) no
    5) some
    6) some/no
    7) anything, some
    8) everyone
    9) something
    10) some/no