Причастие 1 и 2, определение функций

  • Здравствствуйте!
    Помогите пожалуйста сделать задание, надо распознать в тексте причастие 1 или 2 и определить функцию. Я три штуки сделал а остальное чот догнать немогу((

    1.The people involved are not going to give up easily. (involved - Participle 2. Функция - определение.)
    2.The International Telecommunication Satellite Organization has 14 operating satellites and a spacecraft launched last week.
    (Operating -Participle 1. Функция - определение. launched - Participle 2. Функция - определение.)
    3.The A-12 is a new aircraft program being reviewed by the Pentagon.
    (rewiewed - Participle 2. Функция - определение.)

    4. Five years ago, a group of Stanford University, demonstrated a data storage system based on holograms.
    5. Additional Mirages and one Cheyenne 3A are being completed for delivery this week.
    6. Engineers wanted answers faster than workers could supply them using available technologies.
    7. When Looking at events of this years, you feel that diplomats worked at one speed, while international politics changed much faster.

    Заранее Спасибо!!!

  • 4. Five years ago, a group of Stanford University, demonstrated a data storage system based on holograms.-based -PARTICIPLE 2, определение
    5. Additional Mirages and one Cheyenne 3A are being completed for delivery this week.-completed -PARTICIPLE 2. часть глагольного сказуемого
    6. Engineers wanted answers faster than workers could supply them using available technologies.-using -PARTICIPLE 1, обстоятельство
    7. When Looking at events of this years, you feel that diplomats worked at one speed, while international politics changed much faster.-Looking -PARTICIPLE 1, обстоятельство