помогите с вопросами

  • Поставьте 4 вопроса к каждому предложению:
    1.This internationalconference was in the town of Moscow/
    2.The streets of London are always of great interest to tourists
    3.England is one of the most powerful in Europe
    4.The students were busy with their experiments in the chemical lab
    5.His friend is a worker

  • сентября 2015, 23:52
    Поставьте 4 вопроса к каждому предложению:
    1.This internationalconference was in the town of Moscow/Это не наша Москва?наша-city.
    Was this international conference in Moscow.?
    This international conference was in Moscow, wasn't it?
    What conference was in Moscow?
    Where was the conference?
    дальше по образцу...
    2.The streets of London are always of great interest to tourists
    3.England is one of the most powerful здесь должно быть существительное in Europe
    4.The students were busy with their experiments in the chemical lab
    5.His friend is a worker

  • 2.Are. the streets...?What streets are of great interest to tourists?The streets....,aren't they?What is of great interest to tourists?
    3.Is England....?What's England like? England is..., isn't it? What kind of country is England?
    4.Were the students...? What were the students busy with? The students were...,weren't they? Where were the students busy with their experiments?
    5.Is. his friend....?What's his friend's job?Is his friend a worker or an engineer? His friend is..,isn't he?

  • составьте 4 вопроса по каждому предложению
    1) You can lose personal assets
    2) he is difficult to get tax benefits from the states
    3) i do my books myself
    4) We boyh have unlimited liability
    5) The board of directros decided on vacation, salary, hiring and firing
    6) The partners want to consult a board of directors

  • вопроса по каждому предложению
    1) You can lose personal assets,can't you?
    Can you lose...? What can you lose? Who can lose...?
    2) he is difficult to get tax benefits from the states,isn't he?
    Is he...?What is he difficult to get?Who is difficult...?
    3) i do my books myself, don't I?
    Do I do...?What do I do?Who does his books himself?
    4) We both have unlimited liability,don't we?
    Do we both have...?Who has unlimited...?What do we have?
    5) The board of directros decided on vacation, salary, hiring and firing,didn't they?
    Did the board decide on...?Who decided...?What did the board decide on?
    6) The partners want to consult a board of directors,don't they?
    Do the partners want...? Who wants to...? What do the partners want to do?
