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  • It's half past eleven in the morning. Mrs. Fielding's working in the kitchen. She's making dinner for her family.
    Her husband's at work, but he isn't working just now. He's having coffee during the coffee break. He always has a coffee break at half past eleven.

    Their son Robert's at a class in his college. Is he thinking of his work? Of course not! He's looking at a new student next to him. He doesn't know her yet but he sees she's got a lovely face and beautiful blue eyes!

    It's nine on Saturday evening, and Robert's in a disco with his new friend, the girl with the beautiful eyes. The room's full of people. Some are dancing, others are just standing there and watching. A girl's talking to the disc jockey. Two young men are drinking beer. They're all having a nice time.

  • Половина восьмого утра. Миссис Ф. работает на кухне. Она готовит обед(ужин) для семьи.Ее муж на работе,но прямо сейчас он не работает . Он пьет кофе. У него всегда перерыв.в половине двенадцатого. Их сын Р. на уроке в колледже. Думает ли он о работе? Конечно, нет. Он смотрит на новую студентку рядом с ним. Он ее еще не знает,но но видит симпатичное лицо и красивые синие глаза........