Помогите, пожалуйста, выполнить задания

  • II. Выберите форму инфинитива (с частицей “to” или без нее) или герундия.

    1. One task of a central bank is … the issue of banknotes.

    a. to authorize
    b. authorizing
    c. authorize

    2. We stopped … business with them last year.

    a. to do
    b. do
    c. doing

    3. It is important for a healthy economy … consumer confidence.

    a. maintain
    b. to maintain
    c. maintaining

    4. … obligations is necessary for banks who want to stay in business.

    a. To meet
    b. Meeting
    c. Meet

    5. My job involves … the accounts of large public companies.

    a. audit
    b. auditing
    c. to audit

    6. I plan … a mortgage in Sberbank.

    a. getting
    b. to get
    c. get

    7. Some minor unreliable financial institutions let their clients … loans even if they don’t have a good credit history.

    a. to take
    b. take
    c. taking

    8. Have you ever considered … your own business?

    a. to start
    b. starting
    c. start

    9. They wouldn’t drop their prices. They completely refused … .

    a. negotiate
    b. to negotiate
    c. negotiating

    10. Raising capital can include … assets or finding new investors.

    a. to trade
    b. trading
    c. trade

    III. Выберите правильный перевод.

    1. The question to be discussed is of great importance.
    a. Важно обсудить вопрос.
    b. Вопрос, который нужно обсудить, очень важен.

    2. The manager may want to see the profit and loss account.
    a. Возможно, менеджер захочет увидеть отчет о прибыли и убытках.
    b. Менеджер хочет встретиться по поводу отчета о прибыли и убытках.

    3. To compete in the market is not so easy.
    a. Конкурировать на этом рынке – непростая задача.
    b. Конкуренция на рынке непростая.

    4. I entered this University to get a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting.
    a. Я поступил в этот университет и получил степень бакалавра.
    b. Я поступил в этот университет, чтобы получить степень бакалавра.

    5. I saved as much as I could to start my own company
    a. Я экономил, как только мог, чтобы начать своё дело.
    b. Я много сэкономил и смог начать свое дело.

    VI. Выберите грамматическую форму, соответствующую условному предложению 1 типа.

    1. I’m sure they ... doing business with us if they are satisfied.

    a. continue
    b. will continue
    c. would continue

    2. If he … deal with pressure, he’ll be an excellent branch manager.

    a. will be able to
    b. could
    c. is able to

    3. I’m afraid it...my commission if I lose this order,

    a. will affect
    b. affects
    c. is affecting

    4. You … a consumer loan unless you show a stable income.

    a. didn’t get
    b. won’t get
    c. doesn’t get

    5. If banks … interest rates dramatically, they can lose some of their clients.

    a. increased
    b. increase
    c. will increase

    VII. Выберите грамматическую форму, соответствующую условному предложению 2 типа.

    1. If I … a detailed knowledge of mathematics, economics and all applicable laws, I’d work in financial management.

    a. have
    b. had
    c. would have

    2. If I were a financial manager, I … every aspect of an organization’s finance.

    a. monitored
    b. would monitor
    c. monitor

    3. You … be promoted to the position of a financial manager if you worked as a financial analyst, accountant, or auditor for some time.

    a. could
    b. can
    c. will be able to

    4. I’d start my own consulting firm in accounting, investment, or related fields if I … you.

    a. was
    b. would be
    c. were

    5. … you work for my consulting firm if I asked you?

    a. Would
    b. Will
    c. Did

    VIII. Выберите грамматическую форму, соответствующую условным предложениям 1 или 2 типа.

    1. I’ll go to lots of job interviews if I … .

    a. will have to
    b. have to
    c. had to

    2. If I … promoted at the end of this year, I’ll stay another year.

    a. will get
    b. am getting
    c. get

    3. … if I found out I was being paid less that my colleagues.

    a. I’d leave
    b. He’d leave
    c. I’ll leave

    4. If I … the same job next year, I’ll leave.

    a. am still done
    b. still did
    c. still do

    5. I …, if a colleague criticized the quality of my work.

    a. won’t be happy
    b. wasn’t happy
    c. wouldn’t be happy

    IX. Выберите соответствующий глагол, вводящий косвенную речь.

    1. She … me if I was an independent auditor.

    a. told
    b. asked
    c. informed

    2. I … to her that I was responsible for examining the truth and fairness of financial statements in different companies.

    a. explained
    b. told
    c. instructed

    3. She … me she had worked in the accounting department of a big trading company.

    a. said
    b. advised
    c. told

    4. She also … us to study carefully all the accounting rules set by the government.

    a. said
    b. advised
    c. promised

    5. We … her we would always remember her advice.

    a. said b. ordered c. promised

    Заранее благодарю Вас за ответ!

  • II. Выберите форму инфинитива (с частицей “to” или без нее) или герундия.

    1. One task of a central bank is … the issue of banknotes.

    a. to authorize

    2. We stopped … business with them last year.

    c. doing
    3. It is important for a healthy economy … consumer confidence.

    b. to maintain

    4. … obligations is necessary for banks who want to stay in business.

    a. To meet

    5. My job involves … the accounts of large public companies.

    b. auditing

    6. I plan … a mortgage in Sberbank.

    b. to get

    7. Some minor unreliable financial institutions let their clients … loans even if they don’t have a good credit history.

    b. take

    8. Have you ever considered … your own business?

    b. starting

    9. They wouldn’t drop their prices. They completely refused … .

    b. to negotiate

    10. Raising capital can include … assets or finding new investors.

    b. trading

  • III. Выберите правильный перевод.

    1. The question to be discussed is of great importance.

    b. Вопрос, который нужно обсудить, очень важен.

    2. The manager may want to see the profit and loss account.
    a. Возможно, менеджер захочет увидеть отчет о прибыли и убытках.

    3. To compete in the market is not so easy.
    a. Конкурировать на этом рынке – непростая задача.

    4. I entered this University to get a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting.

    b. Я поступил в этот университет, чтобы получить степень бакалавра.

    5. I saved as much as I could to start my own company
    a. Я экономил, как только мог, чтобы начать своё дело.

  • VI. Выберите грамматическую форму, соответствующую условному предложению 1 типа.

    1. I’m sure they ... doing business with us if they are satisfied.

    b. will continue

    2. If he … deal with pressure, he’ll be an excellent branch manager.

    c. is able to
    3. I’m afraid it...my commission if I lose this order,

    a. will affect

    4. You … a consumer loan unless you show a stable income.

    b. won’t get

    5. If banks … interest rates dramatically, they can lose some of their clients.

    b. increase

  • VII. Выберите грамматическую форму, соответствующую условному предложению 2 типа.

    1. If I … a detailed knowledge of mathematics, economics and all applicable laws, I’d work in financial management.

    b. had

    2. If I were a financial manager, I … every aspect of an organization’s finance.

    b. would monitor

    3. You … be promoted to the position of a financial manager if you worked as a financial analyst, accountant, or auditor for some time.

    a. could

    4. I’d start my own consulting firm in accounting, investment, or related fields if I … you.

    c. were
    5. … you work for my consulting firm if I asked you?

    a. Would

  • VIII. Выберите грамматическую форму, соответствующую условным предложениям 1 или 2 типа.

    1. I’ll go to lots of job interviews if I … .

    b. have to

    2. If I … promoted at the end of this year, I’ll stay another year.

    c. get
    3. … if I found out I was being paid less that my colleagues.

    a. I’d leave

    4. If I … the same job next year, I’ll leave.

    c. still do
    5. I …, if a colleague criticized the quality of my work.

    c. wouldn’t be happy

  • IX. Выберите соответствующий глагол, вводящий косвенную речь.

    1. She … me if I was an independent auditor.

    b. asked

    2. I … to her that I was responsible for examining the truth and fairness of financial statements in different companies.

    a. explained

    3. She … me she had worked in the accounting department of a big trading company.

    c. told
    4. She also … us to study carefully all the accounting rules set by the government.


    5. We … her we would always remember her advice.

    c. promised

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