Помогите пожалуйста

  • Переведите предложения на русский язык. Определите временную форму глагола.
    1. The film was much spoken about.
    2. I was being followed.
    3. The room is being cleaned at the moment.
    4. I’m often invited to the parties.
    5. The doctor has been sent for.
    6. The car has not been used very much.

  • 1. The film was much spoken about.Past simple passive о фильме много говорили.
    2. I was being followed.past continuous passive за мной следили.
    3. The room is being cleaned at the moment.present continuous passive комнату убирают сейчас.
    4. I’m often invited to the parties.present simple passive меня часто приглашают на вечеринки.
    5. The doctor has been sent for.present perfect passive за доктором послали.
    6. The car has not been used very much.present perfect passive машину не много использовали.