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    Gases used to supply heat energy are called fuel gases. The major parts of fuel gases are hydrocarbons - that is, compounds of hydrogen (H) and carbon (C). There are many of these compounds. Each has its own number of carbon and hydrogen atoms joined together to form one particular fuel gas.
    The largest part of natural gas is methane. Methane (CH4) has one carbon atom linked to four hydrogen atoms. Ethane (C2H6) has two carbon atoms and six hydrogen atoms; propane (C3H8) has three carbon atoms and eight hydrogen atoms; butane (C4H10) has four carbon atoms and ten hydrogen atoms.
    Carbon and hydrogen atoms are combined in fuel gases. The numbers of carbon and hydrogen atoms m these fuel gases affect the nature of each gas. More atoms in the compound, particularly heavier carbon atoms, make the gas heavier. Larger numbers of carbon and hydrogen atoms in a fuel gas release more heat when the gas is burned. For this reason the heat content of butane, for instance, is greater than that of methane. Other characteristics of fuel gases also are related
    to their chemical make-up. These include the ease with which their flames can be controlled and utilized.

    Напишите следующие предложения в отрицательной форме.

    1. Gases used to supply heat energy are called fuel gases.
    2. The major parts of fuel gases are hydrocarbons.
    3. Тheir flames can be controlled and utilized.
    4. Each has its own number of carbon and hydrogen.
    5. The largest part of natural gas is methane.
    6. Methane has one carbon atom linked to four hydrogen atoms.
    7. Carbon and hydrogen atoms are combined in fuel gases.
    8. The numbers of carbon and hydrogen atoms in these fuel gases affect the nature of each gas.
    9. More atoms in the compound make the gas heavier.
    10. Other characteristics of fuel gases also are related to their chemical make-up their flames can be controlled and utilized.

  • Напишите следующие предложения в отрицательной форме.

    1. Gases used to supply heat energy are not called fuel gases.
    2. The major parts of fuel gases are not hydrocarbons.
    3. Тheir flames cannot be controlled and utilized.
    4. Each doesn't have its own number of carbon and hydrogen.
    5. The largest part of natural gas is not methane.
    6. Methane doesn't have one carbon atom linked to four hydrogen atoms.
    7. Carbon and hydrogen atoms are not combined in fuel gases.
    8. The numbers of carbon and hydrogen atoms in these fuel gases don't affect the nature of each gas.
    9. More atoms in the compound don't make the gas heavier.
    10. Other characteristics of fuel gases also are not related to their chemical make-up their flames can be controlled and utilized.??или где‐то запятая или...

  • Are+3 form ---present simple passive, остальные ,где один глагол --present simple active.

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