проверьте пожалуйста

  • Буду признателен если поможете с проверкой. отметил на мой взгляд правильные варианты жирным шрифтом.

    I saw / was seeing Maria for the first time at Ray's birthday party.
    Richard watched/was watching TV when the phone rang.
    When we were on holiday, we went/were going to the cafe almost every day.
    Denise practised/was practising the song every day until she could sing it perfectly.
    I did/was doing my homework as soon as I got home from school.
    When my dad met my mum, he worked/was working as a bus driver.
    I got / was getting up at six o'clock every morning last week.
    No, that's not right. I did pass/was passing the test. I got a B.

  • When we were on holiday, we went to the cafe almost every day.

    When my dad met my mum, he was working as a bus driver.

    I got up at six o'clock every morning last week.