Change the sentences the Pst Perfect, Present Perfect or Future Perfect

  • 1.Jeremy had fallen asleep before the film on TV finished. 2.The students will have passed all their exams before the summer practice starts. 3.Peter had exhibited hisbpictures in some museums before his personal exhibition was organized. 4.The children will have returned from the summer camp by the beginning of the school year. 5.Nelly has hust learnt about our arrival. 6. Everybody had already left when you decided to join us at last. 7.The scientist had published some articles on the problem before he completed the experiment. 8. Tom has already read lots of material on ecological problems. 9.The manager had thoroughly studied all propositions before he agreed to one of them.

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  • нужно сделать предложения в паст, перфект или фьюче. если предложение стоит в паст, то его нужно сделать с презент и фьюче перфекте и наоборот

  • 1.Jeremy had fallen asleep before the film on TV finished. --J. has just fallen asleep. --будущее бессмысленно. 2.The students had passed all their exams before the summer practice started. --They have just passed the exams.3.Peter had exhibited hisbpictures in some museums before his personal exhibition was organized --P. has just exibited his pictures. --He will have exhibited his pictures in some museums before his personal exhibition is organized . 4.The children had returned from the summer camp by the beginning of the school year.--the children have just returned from the camp.5.Nelly had learnt about our arrival before we came./will have learned...before we come. 6. Everybody has already left . 7.The scientist will have published some articles on the problem before he completes the experiment. 8. Tom. will have read lots of material on ecological the end of the week 9.The manager will have thoroughly studied all propositions before he agrees to one of them.