Помогите, пожалуйста.

  • 7. Sequence of Tenses
    They asked him what he… .
    a)will want
    b)is wanted
    12. В предложении инфинитив стоит как подлежащее.
    A) His ambition was to dance.
    B) To know English is necessary in our country.
    c) She is glad to see you.
    d) I have been reading the book.
    e) That is a good book to read.
    16. Conditional sentence:
    a) The question is whether they have able to help us.
    b) The question is whether they'll be having to help us.
    c) The question is whether they had able to help us.
    d) The question was whether they could to help us.
    e) The question is whether they will be able to help us.
    19. Look ... the picture ... page 37.
    a) in, at
    8. Sequence of Tenses
    Ben knew his parents ... football.
    b)will like
    c) are going to like
    d)have liked
    10. Read the text&
    The first «e-book» - a copy of the Declaration of Independence – was born in 1971. More and more books are becoming electronic. E-books are coming to be a new trend in the world of information technologies. Due to the space limitations faced by many libraries, they appear to be an efficient means to store and organize information.
    Choose the right answer:
    a) E-books are convenient to use
    b) E-books are inconvenient to use
    c) They help to organize books
    d) They are useful
    e) They are an efficient means to store books

    В этих вопросах 8 вариантов, из которых могут быть правильные ответы 1;2;3.
    22. The appropriate verbs:
    Their progress in English … good.
    a) Will have
    b) Has
    c) Will be
    d) Be
    e) Are
    f) Were
    g) Was
    h) Is
    23. Plural nouns:
    a) bed
    b) chair
    c) child
    d) room
    f) tooth
    g) goose
    h) building
    27. Matching of the verbs:
    a) He standing at the desk.
    b) We cross the river yesterday.
    c) I have paid the bill.
    d) We crossing the river yesterday.
    e) We have crossed the river yesterday.
    f) I paid the bill.
    g) He stand at the desk.
    h) He is stand at the desk.
    29. The correct sentence:
    a) She knew that we to the country gone.
    b) She knows we gone to the country.
    c) She knows we had gone to the country.
    D)She knew we had gone to the country.
    e) She knew we gone to the country.
    f) She knew that we gone to the country.
    g) She knows that we to the country gone.
    h) She knew that we had to the country.
    30. The underlined word is… .:
    She advised changing my hairdo.
    a) Noun
    b) Adverb
    c) Infinitive
    d) Participle
    e) Gerund
    f) Verb
    g) Adjective
    h) Modal verb

  • 7. Sequence of Tenses
    They asked him what he… .c)wanted
    12. В предложении инфинитив стоит как подлежащее.
    B) To know English is necessary in our country.
    16. Conditional sentence:нет
    a) The question is whether they have able to help us.
    b) The question is whether they'll be having to help us.
    c) The question is whether they had able to help us.
    d) The question was whether they could to help us.
    e) The question is whether they will be able to help us.но они думают, что это правильно.
    19. Look ... the picture ... page 37.
    8. Sequence of Tenses
    Ben knew his parents ... footbal e)liked

  • В этих вопросах 8 вариантов, из которых могут быть правильные ответы 1;2;3.
    22. The appropriate verbs:
    Their progress in English … good.
    c) Will be
    g) Was
    h) Is
    23. Plural nouns:нет
    a) bed
    b) chair
    c) child
    d) room
    f) tooth
    g) goose
    h) building
    27. Matching of the verbs:
    c) I have paid the bill.
    f) I paid the bill.
    29. The correct sentence:
    D)She knew that we had gone to the country

    30. The underlined word is… .: что подчеркнуто?
    She advised changing my hairdo.
    a) Noun
    b) Adverb
    c) Infinitive
    d) Participle
    e) Gerund
    f) Verb
    g) Adjective
    h) Modal verb
    Короче, что поняла, то сделала.