Проверьте пожалуйста

  • 1)Ей пришлют приглашение на свадьбу.
    She will be sent an invitation to the marriage.
    2) Придется тебе самому изучить новый материал, поскольку ты долго болел и пропустил много занятий.
    You will have to learn new material because you was ill for a long time and you missed a lot of lessons.
    3)Мне бы хотелось высказать свои соображения по этому вопросу.
    I wish I told my thoughts about this question.
    4) Едва стол был накрыт, как принесли суп и мясо с жареным картофелем.
    Hardly the table was served as the soup was brought
    5) Ее мать была итальянкой, и она знала язык так, словно всю жизнь прожила в Италии.
    Her mother was Italian and she knew the language as if she lived in Italy all her life.
    6) Майкла до сих пор нет, должно быть, он не получил нашу телеграмму.
    Mike is not here yet, he must have never received our telegram
    7) Если бы он сам сдавал этот экзамен, он бы его не провалил.
    If he had passed this exam by himself , he would not have failed it.
    8)Когда приезжают твои родители? Фред сообщил, что они будут присутствовать на твоем концерте.
    When your parents are going to come? Fred said that they would appear at the concert
    9) Не дай дедушка денег на покупку дома, возможно, внук и не стал бы за ним ухаживать.
    If the grandfather had not given some money for buying a house, probably, the grandson would not have looked after him.
    10)Если бы полицейскому пришло в голову расспросить меня, я мог бы сообщить много интересных фактов.
    If the policeman came up with the idea of asking me, I would inform of interesting matters.

  • 1)Ей пришлют приглашение на свадьбу.
    She will be sent an invitation to the marriage.---She will be sent an invitation to the wedding.
    2) Придется тебе самому изучить новый материал, поскольку ты долго болел и пропустил много занятий.
    You will have to learn new material because you was ill for a long time and you missed a lot of lessons.---You will have to learn a new material yourself because you had a long illness and missed many lessons.
    3)Мне бы хотелось высказать свои соображения по этому вопросу.
    I wish I told my thoughts about this question.---- I would like to give my own ideas on this matter.
    4) Едва стол был накрыт, как принесли суп и мясо с жареным картофелем.
    Hardly the table was served as the soup was brought---Hardly had the table been set when soup and roast meat with fried potatoes were brought.
    5) Ее мать была итальянкой, и она знала язык так, словно всю жизнь прожила в Италии.
    Her mother was Italian and she knew the language as if she lived in Italy all her life.---...as if she had lived in Italy all her life.
    6) Майкла до сих пор нет, должно быть, он не получил нашу телеграмму.
    Mike is not here yet, he must have never received our telegram---Mike has not come yet. He must have failed to receive our telegramme.
    7) Если бы он сам сдавал этот экзамен, он бы его не провалил.
    If he had passed this exam by himself , he would not have failed it.---...this exam himself...
    8)Когда приезжают твои родители? Фред сообщил, что они будут присутствовать на твоем концерте.
    When your parents are going to come? Fred said that they would appear at the concert---When wiil your parents come? Fred informed that they would attend your concert.
    9) Не дай дедушка денег на покупку дома, возможно, внук и не стал бы за ним ухаживать.
    If the grandfather had not given some money for buying a house, probably, the grandson would not have looked after him.---If grandfather had not given money to buy a house with, his grandson might not have looked after him.
    10)Если бы полицейскому пришло в голову расспросить меня, я мог бы сообщить много интересных фактов.
    If the policeman came up with the idea of asking me, I would inform of interesting matters.---If it occurred to the policeman to question me, I could report many interesting facts to him (or I could inform him of many interesting facts).

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