Как правильно перевести предложение

  • Подскажите, пожалуйста, как правильно перевести на английский язык предложение, что смысл сохранился:

    "История гжели берет свое начало из одноименной волости в шестидесяти километрах от Москвы, где занимались изготовлением майоликовой посуды для Аптекарского приказа еще при царе Алексее Михайловиче в XVII веке, а само гончарное мастерство развивалось здесь еще с начала XIV столетия".

  • Gzhel is the name of the traditional Russian craft of production of porcelain and pottery items - dishes, tiles, other decorative elements and pieces. If to be more precise Gzhel is the name of the region close to Moscow which includes about 27 of villages and small towns. The region forms the so-called "Gzhel bush." Pottery production and then later porcelain manufacturing is based on presence of porcelain clay, perfectly suitable for these purposes.

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  • Gzhel, a picturesque area 60 kilometers southeast of Moscow, is known as one of the oldest and largest centers of china production in Russia, a true cradle of Russian ceramics. Gzhel is also the word for traditional Russian blue and white porcelain produced there since the 19th century - the region is famous for it.
    A long way to go
    Gzhel’s ceramic production has a long history. Archaeological research shows the first pottery appeared here already in the 14th century. Ceramics seem to be something Mother Nature herself created this area for: craftsmen could not find a better place than this, with its rich and beautiful woods, crystal clear rivers and fabulous clay. "Nowhere did I see a clay whiter than this," exclaimed a medieval chronicler.
    In the 17th century Tsar Aleksey Mikhailovich learned about Gzhel’s superb clay - and large-scale production began.

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