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  • Considerable time, effort and expense have often gone into the diagnosis of a patient's illness and the development of a treatment program. Yet the goals of therapy will not be reached unless the patient understands and follows the instructions for use of the drugs prescribed. And how often patients have been categorized as treatment failures and have their therapy changed possibly to more potent and toxic agents when the reason for the lack of response or an unanticipated altered response has been noncompliance.
    When the complexity of the patient's illnesses and the actions of potent therapeutic agents are taken into account, the physician can easily can become preoccupied with the diagnosis of the disease state as well as the selection and implications of drug therapy and assume that the patient will follow the instructions provided. Yet, a large percentage of patients, for a variety of reasons, do not take their medication according to instructions. The term "patient noncompliance" suggests that the patient is at fault for inappropriate use of medication.
    The consequences of noncompliance are 125,000 deaths each year, hundreds of thousands hospitalized and millions of workdays lost. In many cases noncompliance will result in underutilisation of a drug, which may result in a progressive worsening of the condition being treated. A patient may discontinue taking an antibiotic for treatment of an infection when the symptoms subside and therefore not use all the prescribed medications. This could result in a recurrence of the infection.
    Noncompliance also may result in the overutilisation of a drug. When excessive doses are employed or when the medication is given more frequently than intended, there is an increased risk of adverse reactions.

  • 1. Does a a large percentage of patients take their medication according to instructions?
    2. Considerable time, effort and expense have often gone into the diagnosis of a patient's illness and the development of a treatment program, haven't they?
    3. When will the goals of therapy be achieved?
    4. When can a physician become preoccupied with the diagnosis of the disease as well as the selection and implications of drug therapy?
    5. What does the term "patient noncompliance" suggest?
    6. What are the consequences of noncompliance?
    7. What will noncompliance result in in many cases?
    8. Can a patient continue or discontinue taking an antibiotic for treatment of an infection when the symptoms subside?
    9. This cannot result in a recurrence of the infection, can it?
    10. When do we face an increased risk of adverse reactions?

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