Глаголы разного времени

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    On April 12 mankid (to enter) a new era - the era of mastering space. This year some new satellitea (to launch).Next month we(to discuss) this problem at the conference. Yestarday these important problems (to discuss) in our labaratory. This month important observations (to make) in cosmic space. As a rule our post-graduates (to provide) with all necessary for succcessful work and a study. The research into the properties of these metals (to do) from September last year. In the first year the student (to teach) many important subjects. Yesterday my (to give) me a very interesting book.

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  • On April 12 mankid entered a new era - the era of mastering space. This year some new satellitea was launched. Next month we will discuss this problem at the conference. Yestarday these important problems were discussed in our labaratory.
    This month important observations are beeing made in cosmic space.
    As a rule our post-graduates are provided with all necessary for succcessful work and a study. The research into the properties of these metals haы been done from September last year. In the first year the student were taught many important subjects.
    Yesterday my gave me a very interesting book.