
  • Помогите, пожалуйста, правильно подчеркнуть глаголы в следующих предложениях:

    1. I had been thought for more than two decades that the first electronic digital computers were the Colossus built in England 1943 and the Electronic Numerical Integrator build in the United States in 1945.

    2. Coaxial cable consists of a single strand of copper running down the axis of the cable.

    3. The final approach is being used in many areas, and if often proves workable.

    4. Several new classes of service will accompany the rise of the mobile Internet.

    5. Greenpeace has identified global climate change as one of the greatest threats to the planet.

    6. We are challenging the oil industry to stop exploring for more oil-oil we cannot affrod to see used and to switch investment into renewable energy.

    7. The Internet is really quite different from the network we have been describing.

    8. Throughout the latter part of his life, Kolmogorov paid great attention to problems of mathematical education of schoolchildren.

  • 1. I( had thought ) убрала ошибку "been ". for more than two decades that the first electronic digital computers (were) the Colossus built in England 1943 and the Electronic Numerical Integrator build in the United States in 1945.

    2. Coaxial cable (consists) of a single strand of copper running down the axis of the cable.

    3. The final approach( is being used) in many areas, and if often (proves) workable.

    4. Several new classes of service (will accompany) the rise of the mobile Internet.

    5. Greenpeace (has identified) global climate change as one of the greatest threats to the planet.

    6. We( are challenging) the oil industry to stop exploring for more oil-oil we (cannot afford )to see used and to switch investment into renewable energy.здесь еще инфинитивы to see, to switch, не знаю, надо ли это вам.

    7. The Internet (is )really quite different from the network we (have been describing.)

    8. Throughout the latter part of his life, Kolmogorov (paid )great attention to problems of mathematical education of schoolchildren

  • Спасибо Вам огромное,Вера!