
  • Hi
    I try to perefrase a topic.
    I have a topic
    Some people become famous at a very young age. Is this a good or bad thing? Discuss both views and give your opinion
    I write
    A majority of people pursue the aim being a famous figure, some reache the aim at an early age.It is claimed that this acquisition brings benefits to the person , meanwhile others subscribe to the opposite point of view. From my perspective, this causes positive and nagative influences in equal measure.
    Я не уверена в правильности употребления acquisition
    Возможно acquisition a house, acquisition clothes
    Но так его не следует употреблять
    Как вы думаете?

  • Я думаю нельзя acquisition использовать так лучше achievement

  • Вы же сами пишите pursue the aim OF being a famous figure.
    Вот и образуйте существительное от этого глагола---PURSUIT.
    А теперь вместо acquisition употребляйте pursuit.

  • Спасибо Переписала вставила
    A majority of people pursue the aim of being a famous figure, some reach the goal at an early age.It is claimed that this persuit brings benefits to the person , meanwhile others subscribe to the oppositing point of view. From my perspective, this causes positive and nagative influences in equal measure.

  • The majority of people---первое слово УЖЕ имеет конкретный смысл.

  • Thanks

    The majority of people pursue the aim of being a famous figure, some reach the goal at an early age.It is claimed that this persuit brings benefits to the person , meanwhile others subscribe to the oppositing point of view. From my perspective, this causes positive and nagative influences in equal measure.

  • The majority of people pursue the aim of becoming a famous figure, some reach this goal at an early age.It is claimed that this pursuit brings benefits to a person , meanwhile others subscribe to an opposing point of view. From my perspective, it causes both positive and negative influence in equal measure.