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  • Hi
    People enjoy their life and do not desire to delibarate about repercussions of damaging activities which they do daily.
    They bring harmful effects to the surrounding environment, consiquently,destracting the ecosystem,the earth is not able to reproduce nataral resorces .

  • еще
    According to the recent servey, the government of Australia has decreased the environmental repercussions to the zero
    помоему нужно
    According to the recent servey, the government of Australia has set the environmental repercussions to zero

  • Первое нормально.

    They bring harmful effects to the surrounding environment, consiquently,destracting the ecosystem,the earth is not able to reproduce nataral resorces . ---They do harm to...destroying the earth and the ecosystem... natural resources

    According to the recent servey, the government of Australia has decreased the environmental repercussions to the zero---...has reduced zero

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  • Thanks
    They do harm to the surrounding environment, consiquently,destracting the ecosystem, the earth is not able to reproduce nataral resorces .
    According to the recent servey, the government of Australia has redused the environmental repercussions to zero

  • Survey
